All the Drug Class Drugs
Antitubercular Agent. 4-Aminosalicylic Acid 4 g. SACHETS (gastro-resist. granul.): 30. Adult.: 4 g (one sachet) ×3/d. The recomm. schedule is 4 g every 8 hrs., can be taken with food. Max. dly. dose is 12 g. Usual durat. of tmt. is 24 mnths.
Ped. popul.: The optimal dose regim. in child. is uncertain. Limited pharmacokin. data suggest no substant. difference betwn. adult. & child.
For infants, child. & adolesc. the dosage will be adapted to the pt’s. weight at 150 mg/kg/d, divided in two intakes. A dosing spoon is provid. to measure small doses below 4g for young child. See lit.
Indicated for use as part of an appropriate combin. regimen for multi-drug resist. tuberculos. in adult. & ped. pts. from 28 d. of age and older when an effective tmt. regimen cannot otherwise be compos. for reasons of resist. or tolerab.
Consid. should be given to official guidance on the appropriate use of antibacter. agents.
C/I: Hypersens. Severe ren. dis. Pts. with severe renal impair. should not receive GRANUPAS. Patients with severe renal dis. will accumulate the inactive acetyl metabolite of 4-aminosalicylic acid.
Antitubercular Agent. Bedaquiline 100 mg. Tabs: 188X 100 mg
To be admin. by a phys. experienced in multi-drug resist. Mycobacterium tuberculosis
• Weeks 1-2: 400 mg (4 tablets of 100 mg) once daily
• Weeks 3-24: 200 mg (2 tablets of 100 mg) three times per week (with at least 48 hours between doses). Durat. of tmt. is 24 weeks. See prescr. details.
As part of combin. regimen for pulmonary multidrug-resistant tubercul. (MDR-TB) in adlt. pts. when tmt. cannot otherwise be composed because of resist. or tolerab. See official guid. on use of antibact. agents.