All the Active Ingredient Drugs
Antitubercular Agent. Bedaquiline 100 mg. Tabs: 188X 100 mg
To be admin. by a phys. experienced in multi-drug resist. Mycobacterium tuberculosis
• Weeks 1-2: 400 mg (4 tablets of 100 mg) once daily
• Weeks 3-24: 200 mg (2 tablets of 100 mg) three times per week (with at least 48 hours between doses). Durat. of tmt. is 24 weeks. See prescr. details.
As part of combin. regimen for pulmonary multidrug-resistant tubercul. (MDR-TB) in adlt. pts. when tmt. cannot otherwise be composed because of resist. or tolerab. See official guid. on use of antibact. agents.