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  • Antimetabolite
    4 Drugs classified under this drug class

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    Atriance 5 mg/ml
    partial basket chart
    Atriance 5 mg/ml

    Antimetabolite. Nelarabine 5 mg/ml.
    VIALS: 6 x 50 ml x 250 mg/vial. Only
    under vis. of physician experienced in
    cytotox. agents. Adults and adolesc.
    (16 yrs and older): 1,500 mg/m2 I.V.
    over 2 hrs on days 1, 3 and 5. Repeat
    every 21 days. Child and adolesc. (21
    yrs and younger): 650 mg/m2 I.V. over 1
    hr. dly for 5 consec. days. Rpt. aft. 21
    Tmt. T-ALL, T-LBL whose dis. not respond./
    relapsed foll. tmt. with at least 2
    chemother. regimens. Informat. based on
    limited data due to small pt. populat.
    C/I: Hypersens.

    Azacitidine Teva
    partial basket chart
    Azacitidine Teva

    Antimetabolite. Azacitidine 100 mg.
    VIAL (Lyophilized pwdr. for suspens. for SC Inj./sol. for infus.): 1. 1st tmt. cycle, for all pts. regardless of baseline hematology lab. values, is 75 mg/m² SC or IV, daily for 7 d. Premedicate pts. for nausea & vomit.
    Obtain complete blood counts, hep. enzym., serum creatinine prior to the 1st dose.
    Subseq. Tmt. Cycles: Repeat cycles every 4 wks. The dose may be incr. to 100 mg/m² if no beneficial effect is seen after 2 tmt. cycles and if no toxicity other than nausea & vomit. has occurred. It is recomm. that pts. be treated for a min. of 4-6 cycles. However, complete or partial response may require addit. tmt. cycles. Tmt. may be continued as long as the pt. continues to benefit.
    Tmt. of pts. with the following French-American-British (FAB) myelodysplastic syndr. subtypes: refract. anemia (RA) or refract. anemia with ringed sideroblasts (if accompan. by neutrop. or thrombocytop. or require. transfusions), refract. anemia with excess blasts (RAEB), refract. anemia with excess blasts in transformation (RAEB-T), and chron. myelomonocytic leukem. (CMMoL).
    C/I: Hypersens. Pts. with advanced malig. hep. tumors.

    Capecitabine Inovamed
    not in the basket chart
    Capecitabine Inovamed

    Antimetabolite. Capecitabine 500 mg.
    F.C. TABS.: 30, 60, 120. Dosage must be ajust. individ. accord. to pt. medical cond.
    Adjuvant Colon Cancer: of pts. follow. surgery of stage III (Dukes stage C) colon cancer. Tmt. of pts. with advanced or metast. colorect. cancer. 1st line tmt. of advanced gastric cancer in comb. with
    chemother. In comb. with docetaxel is indic. for the tmt. of pts. with metast. breast cancer after fail.of prior anthracyclinecontain. chemother. Capecitabine is also indicated for the tmt. of advanced or metast. breast cancer after fail. of standard ther. includ. a taxane unless therapy with a taxane is clinical. contraind.
    C/I: Hypersens., history of severe and unexpected reac. to fluoropyrimidine ther., Hypersens to fluorouracil. In pts. with known DPD defic. Preg., lact. Sev. leucopenia, neutropenia, or thrombocytopenia. Sev. hep.impair. Sev. renal impair. (CrCl< 30 ml/min). Tmt. with sorivudine or its chem. related analogues, such as brivudine. If contraind. exist to any of the med. products in the comb.regimen, that med. product should not be used.

    Methotrexat “Ebewe”
    partial basket chart
    Methotrexat “Ebewe”

    Antimetabolite. Methotrexate 2.5 mg, 100 mg.
    TABS.: 50 x 2.5 mg. 1 tab 3 x per wk. 1hr
    bef. food or 11/2-2 hrs. aft. See lit.
    VIAL.: 5 ml, 10 ml, 50 ml ×100 mg/ml. I.M/I.V. Dosage must be ajust. individ. accord. indicat., gen. cond., blood counts.
    Antineop. chemother.: tmt. of gestat.
    choriocarcinoma, chorioadenoma
    destruents and hydatidiform mole.
    Palliation of acute lymphoc. leukemia.
    Tmt. & prophylax. of meningeal
    leukemia. Greatest effect has been
    observed in palliation of acute lymphobl.
    (stem cell) leukemias in child. In comb.
    with other anticancer agents,
    Induct. of remiss., but is most commonly
    used in mainten. of induced remiss.
    Abitrexate may be used alone or in comb.
    with other antineopl. in the manag. of
    breast cancer, epidermoid cancers of the
    head &neck, lung cancer (particularly
    squamous cell and small cell types),
    bladder cancer and osteogeny. cancer.
    Tmt. of the advanced stages (III and IV
    Peter’s Staging Syst.) of lymphosarcoma,
    particul. in child. , and in advanced cases
    of mycosis fungoides.
    Psoriasis: symptom. control of severe
    recalcitrant, disabling psoriasis which is
    not adequ. respons. to other forms of
    ther., and only when the diagnosis has
    been established, as by biopsy and/or
    after dermatology. consultation.
    RA: Tmt. of selected adults with severe
    RA, only when the diagnosis has been
    well established accord. to rheumatolog,
    standards, with inadeq. response to other
    forms of antirheumatic ther., includ. full
    dose NSAIDs and usual. a trial of at least
    one or more dis.-modif. antirheumatic
    C/I: Hypersens. Hep. insuffic. Alcohol
    abuse. Renal insuffic. CrCl less than 20
    ml/min. Pre-exist. blood dyscrasias, e.g.
    bone marrow hypoplasia, leukopenia,
    thrombocytopenia, or significant
    anaemia. Serious, acute/ chron. infect.
    such as tuberculosis , HIV. Ulcers of the
    oral cavity and known active GI ulcer dis. Preg. Lact. Concur. vaccin. with live