All the Active Ingredient Drugs
CCB, Local Anesthetic. Lidocaine HCl 1.5%, Nifedipine 0.3%. RECTAL CR.: 30g. Should be applied twice dly. for at least 3 wks. See lit.
Tmt. of anal fissures and proctolog. general. associate. with anal sphincter hypertonia.
C/I: Hypersens. to the active ingred., partic. to Lidocaine (& other local anesthet. with a similar amidic type structure). Presumed or ascertained preg. & lact.
Calcium Channel Blocker. Nifedipine 30 mg, 60 mg. P.R. TABS: 30 x 30 mg, 60 mg. Adjust to individ. pt. Ther. for either hypertens./ angina should be init. with 30 / 60 mg once dly. The tabs. should be swallow. whole and should not be bitten or divided. In general, titrat. should proceed over at 7-14 d. period so that the physician can fully assess the response to each dose level and monitor blood pressure before higher doses. Since steady-state plasma levels are achieved on the 2nd day of dosing, if sympt. so warrant, titrat. may proceed more rapid. provided the pt. is assessed frequent. Titrat. to doses >120 mg are not recommend. See lit.
For the tmt. of chron. stable angina and hypertens.
C/I: Hypersens.
Known other dihydropyridines because of the theoretic. risk.
Pts. with cardiogenic shock, clinic. signific.aortic stenosis, unstab. angina., or during or within one month of a MI.
For tmt. of acute attacks of angina.
Safety of Nifedilong in malign. hypertens. has not been established.
For tmt. of second. prevent. of MI.
Pts. with hep. impair.
Pts. with a hist.of GI obstruct., oesophageal obstruct., or any degree of decreased lumen diameter of the GI tract.
Pts. with a Kock pouch (ileostomy after proctocolectomy).
Pts. with inflammat. bowel dis. or Crohn's dis.
Nifedilong should not be admin. concomit. with rifampicin since effective plasma levels of nifedipine may not be achieved owing to enzyme induct.