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  • Naloxone HCl
    2 Drugs classified under this active ingredient

    All the Active Ingredient Drugs

    partial basket chart
    Multiple ingredients

    Opiod Dependency. Buprenorphine 8.64 mg, Naloxone HCl 2.44 mg.
    S.L. TAB. 7, 28.
    The recommend. start. dose in adult.,
    adolesc. over 15 yrs.: 1-2 tabs. of 2
    mg/0.5 mg. An addit. 1-2 tabs. 2 mg/0.5
    mg may be administ. on day one
    depend. on the individ. pts. requirem.
    Dose titrat. in steps of 2-8 mg is guided
    by reassess. of the clinic. & psycholog.
    status of the pt., and should not exceed
    a max. single dly. dose of 24 mg.
    Substit. tmt. for opioid drug dependence,
    within a framework of med., social and
    psycholog. tmt. in adult., adolesc. over 15
    yrs. who have agreed to be treated for
    C/I: Hypersens., severe resp. insuffic.,
    severe hepat. impair, acute alcoholism or
    delirium tremens.

    partial basket chart
    Multiple ingredients

    Opioid. Oxycodone HCl 5, 10, 20, 30, 40 mg, Naloxone HCl 2.5, 5, 10, 15, 20 mg.
    P.R. TABS: 20 x 5 (oxycodone HCl 5 mg/naloxone HCl 2.5 mg); 10 (10 mg oxycodone HCl, 5 mg naloxone HCl); 20 (20 mg oxycodone HCl, 10 mg naloxone HCl); 30 (oxycodone HCL 30 mg, naloxone HCL 15 mg) 40 (oxycodone HCl 40 mg, naloxone HCl 20 mg). The analg. efficacy is equiv. to oxycodone HCL prolong. -release formul. The dosage should be adjust. to the intens. of pain and the sensitive. of the individ. pt.
    Indic. for the relief of moder. -severe pain. The oxycodone compon. is indicated for the relief of moder.- sev. pain in adult. who require contin. around the-clock opioid analgesia for several days or more.
    The opioid antag. naloxone is added to counteract opioid-induc. constip. by blocking the action of oxycodone at opioid recept. local. in the gut.
    C/I: Hypersens. Severe respire. depress. with hypox. and/or hypercapnia. Severe COPD. Cor pulmonale. Severe bronch. asthma. Non-opioid induc. paralytic ileus. Moder.-sev. hep. impair.