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  • Methylphenidate HCl
    4 Drugs classified under this active ingredient

    All the Active Ingredient Drugs

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    CNS Stimulant. Methylphenidate HCl 18, 27, 36, 54 mg.
    E.R. TABS: 30 x 18 mg, 27 mg, 36 mg, 54
    mg. Initial: 18 mg 1 x dly in the morn.
    May adjust in increments of 18 mg to
    max 54 mg dly, at approx. wkly
    intervals. Pts. new to methylphenidate
    or who are on other stimulants: 18 mg
    1 x dly. Pts. currently taking 5 mg
    methylphenidate 2 x dly or 3 x dly: 18
    mg. Pts. currently taking 10 mg 2 x dly
    or 3 x dly: 36 mg. Some cases: 54 mg.
    Max. dly dose: 54 mg.
    Tmt. attent. deficit hyperact. disord.

    Rephenidate 10 mg
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    Rephenidate 10 mg

    CNS Stimulant. Methylphenidate HCl 10 mg.
    TABS.: 30×10mg.
    Not to be used in child. under 6 yrs. old. Child. and adolesc.: max.  dly. dose is 60 mg. Adult.: max. dly. dose is 60 mg for the tmt. of narcolepsy and 80 mg for the tmt. of ADHD. See lit.
    ADHD,  Narcolepsy.
    C/I: Hypersens. to methylphenidate or to any of the excip. Anxiety, tension; Agitation; Hyperthyroidism; Pre-exist. cardiovasc.disord. includ. sev. hypertens.,  ang. , arterial occlus. dis.; heart fail., haemodynamic. signific. congen. heart dis., cardiomyopath., MI, potent. life-threaten. arrhythmias and channelopathies (disord. caused by the dysfunct. of ion channels). During tmt. with MAO inhib., or within a min. of 2 wks. of discount. those drugs, due to risk of hypertens. crisis. Glaucom.; Phaeochromocytoma; Diagnosis or family history of Tourette's synd. See lit.

    Rephenidate LA
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    Rephenidate LA

    CNS Stimulant. Methylphenidate HCl 10 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg, 40 mg.
    Modified-release Caps: 30 X 10, 20, 30, 40 mg
    1 x dly in morn. To be indiv. adj. by titrat. Childr.: max. dly. dose 60 mg. Adults: max. dly. dose 80 mg. See lit.
    Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

    C/I: Hypersens. to methylphenidate or to any of the excip., Anxiety, Tension, Agitation, Diagnosis or family hist. of Tourette's synd., Glaucom., Hyperthyroidism, C.V. disords, incl. sev. hypertens., angina, HF., haemodynamic. signific. congen. heart dis., arterial occlusive disease., cardiomyopaths., MI, potent. life-threat. arrhythm. and channelopath. (dysfunct. ion channels). During tmt. with MAO inhib., or within a min. of 2 wks of discount. those drugs, due to risk of hypertens. crisis., Phaeochromocytoma.; See lit.

    full basket chart

    CNS Stimulant. Methylphenidate HCl 10 mg, 20 mg, 30 mg, 40 mg.
    TABS: 10mg x 30, 200. To be individual. adj. Child.: max. dly dose 60 mg. Adults:
    max. dly dose 80 mg. See lit.
    LA CAPS: 30. 1 x dly in morn. To be
    individual. adj. Child.: max. dly dose 60
    mg. Adults: max. dly dose 80 mg. See
    Ritalin 10 mg, Ritalin LA 10mg, 20mg, 30mg, 40mg: Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD).
    Ritalin 10 mg and Ritalin SR 20 mg only: Narcolepsy.
    C/I: Hypersens., anx., tension, agitat.,
    Diagn. or history of sev. depress.,
    anorexia nerv./anor. disord., suicidal
    tend., psych. sympt., sev. mood dis.,
    mania, schizophrenia, psychopathic/
    border. personality dis. Diagn. or history
    of sev. and episodic Bipolar dis.
    (uncontr.). Hyperthyroid., pre-exist. C.V. disords, incl. severe hyperens., angina,
    arter. occlus. dis., heart fail.,
    hemodynam. signif. congen. heart dis.,
    cardiomyopaths., MI, potent. life-threat.
    arrhythm. and channelopath. (dysfunct.
    ion channels). During tmt. with nonselect.
    irrevers. MAOIs, or within min. 2
    wks of discont. these drugs, Glaucoma,
    Pheochromocytom., diagn./fam. History
    Tourette’s syndr.