All the Active Ingredient Drugs
Lansoprazole 30 mg. Gatro res. caps. 28 X 30 mg
1-2 caps/day for adults and adolesc. aged 12-17
Tmt. of duodenal and gastric ulcer/Tmt. of reflux oesophagitis/
Prophyl. of reflux oesophagitis/ Eradic. of H. pylori concurr. given with antibiotic ther. for tmt. of H.pylori-assoc. ulcers/
Tmt. of NSAID-assoc. benign gastric and duodenal ulcers in pts. req.continued NSAID tmt./
Prophyl. of NSAID-assoc. gastric ulcers and duodenal ulcers in pts. at risk req. continued ther/ Symptom. gastroesophageal reflux dis./
Zollinger-Ellison syndr.
C/I: Hypersens. Concom. use with rilpivirine
PPI. Lansoprazole 30 mg. CAPS: 30 x 30 mg. Duod. ulc: 30
mg 1 x dly for 4 wks. Prevent. relapse:
15 mg 1 x dly. Benign gastric ulc: 30 mg
1 x dly for 8 wks. GERD: 30 mg 1 x dly for
4 wks. If not fully healed, cont. for 4 wks
at same dose. Long-term main: 15/30
mg 1 x dly. All in morn. bef. food. Erad.
H. pylori: 30 mg 2 x dly (morn. and
even.) plus 2 of follow. antibiots:
clarithromycin 250 mg 2 x dly,
amoxicillin 1 g 2 x dly, or metrinodazole
400 mg 2 x dly for 7 days. Tmt., proph.
NSAID-assoc. benign gastric ulc., duod.
ulc., relief sympts in pts req. cont. NSAID
tmt: 15/30 mg 1 x dly.
Tmt. duod. ulc., benign gastric. ulc., GERD,
acid related disords upper GI tract. Heal.,
long term tmt. and maint. ther. for pts.
with GERD or duod. ulc. Prev. relapse in pts
with GERD or duod. ulc. Erad. H. Pylori
from upper GI tracts in pts with duod. ulc.,
gastrit., benign ulc. (in comb. with approp.
antibiotics). Short term tmt. (up to 4 wks)
heartburn and/or upper epigast. pain
assoc. with acid-related dyspeps. Longterm
manag. path. hypersecret. conds,
incl. Zollinger Ellison syndr. Tmt., proph. of
NSAID assoc. benign gastric ulc., duod.
ulc., relief sympts. in pts. req. cont. NSAID
C/I: Hypersens., pregn.
PPI. Lansoprazole 15 mg, 30 mg. CAPS: 28. Duod. ulc: 30 mg 1 x dly for 4
wks. Maint: To prevent relapse: 15 mg 1 x
dly. Benign gastric. ulc: 30 mg 1 x dly for 8
wks. GERD: 30 mg 1 x dly for 4 wks. If
needed, 4 wks more. Maint: 15-30 mg.
GERD: 30 mg (or 15 mg in some
individuals) 1 x dly for 4 wks. If not
alleviated, further investigations
recommended. Maint: 15 mg 1 x dly. Erad.
H. pylori: 30 mg 2 x dly with antibiotics as
in med. lit. Zollinger Ellison synd./other
hypersecretory cond: 2 x 30 mg 1 x dly.
Adjust per individual as long as necess. Up
to 180 mg dly have been used. If the req.
dly dose is greater than 120 mg, div. into 2
dly doses. NSAID-assoc. benign gastric
ulc., duod. ulc., relief sympts. in cont.
NSAID tmt: 15-30 mg 1 x dly for 4 wks. If
necess. 4 wks more. Pts at risk or with
refract. ulc., longer tmt. and/or poss.
higher dose. Elderly: No adjust. reqd.
Pediatric: No experience.
Duod. ulc., benign gastric ulc., GERD,
erad. H. pylori; Zollinger Ellison synd/
other hypersecretory conds, NSAIDassoc.
benign gastric ulc., duod. ulc.,
relief sympts. in cont. NSAID tmt.
C/I: Pregn..