All the Active Ingredient Drugs
Immunomodulator. Interferon Beta-1a 30 mcg. PRE-FILL. SYR/PEN: 4.
SINGLE-USE VIAL: 4. 1 inject I.M. 1 x
wkly (self-inject. permitted).
Relapse form multiple sclerosis, slow
accumulation of physical disabil., decr.
freq. clinical exacerbations. Tmt. demyelinat. event with active inflamm.
process if severe enough to treat with I.V.
corticoster., if alt. diagn. excluded incl.
MRI abnorm. characters. of MS if at high
risk of develop. clin. defin. MS.
C/I: Hypersens. to natural or
recombinant interferon beta, human
albumin or any other component.
Immunomodulator. Interferon Beta-1a 22 mcg / 0.5 ml, 44 mcg / 0.5 ml. SOL. FOR INJECT (ready-to-use): 4, 12.
22/44 μg. 3 x wkly S.C.
Relapse forms MS to decr. freq. of clinic. exacerbats., delay accumulat. Physical disabil. Efficacy in chron. progress. MS has not been established. The 44 mcg prod. is also indic. for pts. with a sgle demyelinating event with an act. inflamm. process, if altern. diagn. have been excl., and if they are determ. to be at high risk of develop. clinic. definite MS. These pts should have MRI findings which are compat. with MS of diagn. Effic. has not been demonstr. in pts with second. progr. MS without ongoing relapse activity.
C/I: Hypersens. to natural or recombinant interferon beta or to any excip., current severe depress. and/or suicidal ideation.