All the Active Ingredient Drugs
Anticoagulant. Heparin Sodium 5000 IU/ml. Sol. for inj.: 5 ml vials with 5000 IU/ml See lit..
Prevent. of thromboembolic dis.
Part of tmt of venous or arter. thromboemb. dis.
For anticoag. during tmt or operat. with extracorporeal circ.
C/I:Hypersens. Ac. or prev. hist. of heparin-induc. allergic thrombocytopenia (type 2). Dis. assoc. with a bleeding diathesis, severe hepatic, renal or pancr. dis.
Dis. with susp. lesion of the vasc. system, e.g. GI ulcers, hypertension (>105 mmHg diastolic), cerebral haemorrhage, trauma or surgery involving the CNS, eye operat., retinopathies, vitreous haemorrhage, aneurysm of the cerebral arteries, infect. endocard. Threatened miscarriage. Spinal anaesth, epidural anaesth, lumbar punct.
Organ lesions assoc. with bleeding tendency.
Must not be used in preterm or newborn babies because of benzyl alcohol content.
Anticoagulant. Heparin Sodium 25000 IU / 5 ml. VIAL (Sol. for inj./infus.): 1×25000IU/5ml.
Dosage must be individ. adjust.
Prevent. of thromboembol. disord. As part of the tmt. of ven. and arter. thromboembol. disord. (includ. early tmt. of heart attacks as well as unst. angina. pect.). For the anticoagulant. in case of tmt. or operation with extracorporeal circul. (e.g.heart-lung machine, hemodialysis).
C/I: Hypersens. Current/ prev. hist. of heparin-induced allergic thrombocytop. (type 2). Disorders assoc. with a bleed. diathesis, e.g. thrombocytop., coagulopathies, sev. hep./renal/pancreat. disord. Disord. in which there is a suspect. lesion of the vascul. syst., e.g. GI ulc., hypertens. (>105 mm Hg diastolic), cereb. haemorrhage, traum. or surg. operat. involve. the CNS, eye operat., retinopathies, vitreous haemorrhage, aneurysm of the cereb. arteries, infect. endocarditis. Threatened miscarriage - Spinal anaesthesia, epid. anaesthesia, lumb. punct. - Organ lesions assoc. with a bleed. tendency. Use in preterm/newborns dueto benzyl alcohol content.