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  • Fluconazole
    7 Drugs classified under this active ingredient

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    partial basket chart

    Antifungal, Triazole Derivatives. Fluconazole 50 mg / 5 ml.
    BOTTLE (pwdr. for oral susp.): 35ml. Dosage should be just. individ.
    Fungal infec.:
    Cryptococcal meningit.
    Invas. candidias.
    Mucos. candidias. includ. oropharyng., oesophag. candidias., candiduria, chron. mucocutaneous candidias.
    Chron. oral atrophic candidias. (denture sore mouth) if dent. hygiene or topic. tmt. are insuffic.
    Vagin. candidias., acute/recurrent; when local ther. is not appropr..
    Candidal balanitis when local ther.  is not approp.
    Dermatomycos. include. tinea pedis, tinea corporis, tinea cruris, tinea versicolor, derm. candida infec. when system. ther. is indicated.
    Tinea unguinium (onychomycosis) when other agents are not consid. appropriate.
    Fluconazole is indic. in adult. for the prophylaxis of:
    Relapse of cryptococcal meningit. in pts. with high risk of recur.
    Relapse of oropharyng./oesophag. candidiasis in pts. infec. with HIV
    and with high risk of experienc. relapse.
    To reduce the incidence of recur. vag. candid. (4 or more episodes a year). Prophylaxis of candidal infec. in pts. with prolong. neutropen. (such as pts. with haematolog. malignan. receiv. chemother. or pts. receiving Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant.
    Term newborn infan., infant., toddlers, child., adolescen. aged from 0 - 17 yrs. old:
    Tmt. of mucosal candidiasis (oropharyngeal, oesophageal), invas. candidiasis and cryptococcal meningit. and the prophylaxis of candidal infec. in immunocomprom. pts. Fluconazole can be used as mainten. ther. to prevent relapse of cryptococcal meningitis in child. with high risk of reoccurrence.
    C/I: Hypersens. Coadmin. with of terfenadine in pts. receiv. fluconazole at multiple doses of 400 mg/d or higher based upon results of a multiple dose interact. study. Coadmin. of other med. products known to prolong the QT interv. and which are metabolised via the P450 (CYP) 3A4 such as cisapride, astemizole, pimozide, quinidine, erythromycin.

    partial basket chart

    Antifungal. Fluconazole 50, 100, 150, 200 mg.
    CAPS: 1 x 150 mg, 7 x 50 mg, 100 mg,
    200 mg,.
    Dermatomycos. where top. ther.
    inappropriate due to site, severity or
    extent of infect., tinea ped., cruris,
    candida infects: 150 mg 1 x wkly or 50
    mg 1 x dly for 2-4 wks. Tinea ped. may
    req. up to 6 wks. Tinea versicolor: 50 mg
    1 x dly for 2-4 wks.
    Dermatomycos. where top. ther.
    inapprop. due to site, severity or extent
    of infect. incl. tinea pedis, tinea cruris,
    tinea versicolor and candida infects.
    C/I: Hypersens. Coadmin. of terfenadine in pts. receiving fluconazole at multiple doses of 400 mg /d or higher. Coadmin. of med. prod. known to prolong QT interval and which are metabol. via the cytochr. P450 (CYP) 3A4 such as cisapride, astemizole, pimozide, quinidine and erythromycin.

    not in the basket chart

    Antifungal. Fluconazole 2 mg/ml.
    AMP.:1, 10×50, 100, 200 ml. Adult.: Cryptococcal meningitis/cryptococcal infec. at other sites: 400mg on the 1st day follow. by 200 mg - 400 mg once dly. Durat. of tmt. for cryptococcal infec. will depend on the clinic. and mycological response, but is usual. at least 6-8 wks. for cryptococcal meningitis. For the prevent. of relapse of cryptococcal meningitis in pts. with AIDS, after the patient receives a full course of prim. therapy, this sol. may be admin. indefinitely at a dly. dose of 200 mg. Candidaemia, disseminated
    candidiasis and other invas. candid. infect.: 400mg on the 1st day follow. by 200mg dly. Depend. on the clinic. response, the dose may be incr. to 400mg dly. Durat. of tmt. is based upon the clinic. response. Mucosal Candidiasis, Oropharyng. candidiasis: 50mg×1/d for 7-14 d. Tmt. can be continued for longer periods in pts. with sever. comprom. immun. func. For atrophic oral candidiasis assoc. with dentures, 50mg×1/d for 14 d. admin. concurr. with local antisep. measures to the denture. Other candidal infec. of mucosa (except vag. candidiasis, e.g. esophagitis, non-invas.
    bronchopulmon. infec., candiduria,
    mucocutaneous candidiasis etc.: 50mg-100mg dly., given for 14-30 d. Child. A max. dosage of 400 mg dly. should not be exceeded in child. As with similar infec. in adults, the durat. of tmt. is based on the clin. and mycological response, admin. as a single dly. dose. Children>4 four wks. of age: Mucosal Candidiasis: 3 mg/kg dly. Load. ing dose of 6 mg/kg may be used on the 1st day, to achieve steady state levels more rapid. System. Candidiasis, cryptococcal infec., 6-12 mg/kg dly., depend. on the sever. of the dis. Child. <4 wks. of age and younger max dose 12 mg/ kg every 72 hrs. should not be exceeded in child. in the 1st two weeks of life. For child. between 3rd and 4th wk. of life, 12 mg/kg every 48 hrs.
    should not be exceeded.
    Systemic candidiasis, mucosal candidiasis, cryptococcosis.
    C/I: Pts with known hypersens. to fluconazole or to related azole comp. Concom. use with cisapride, zidovudine, rifabutine, tacrolimus. The use of fluconazole in pts. concur. taking astemizole or other drugs metabol. by the cytochr. P450 syst., may be assoc. with elevat.in serum levels of these drugs. In the absence of definitive inform., caution should be used when co admin. fluconazole. Pts. should be
    carefully monitor.

    Fluconazole Teva 150 mg
    Salomon, Levin & Elstein Ltd
    not in the basket chart
    Fluconazole Teva 150 mg

    Antifungal. Fluconazole 150 mg.
    CAPS: 1. Tinea pedis, corperis, cruris,
    candida infects: 150 mg 1 x wkly or 50
    mg 1 x dly for 2-4 wks. See lit. Tinea
    versicolor: 50 mg 1 x dly for 2-4 wks.
    Elderly: See lit.
    Cryptococcos., incl. cryptococ.
    meningitis; maint. in AIDS pts., systemic
    candidias., mucosal candidiasis., vag.
    candidias., acute or recurrent,
    dermatomycosis; candida infects. where
    topic. ther. inapprop.
    C/I: Hypersens., coadmin. with
    terfenadine in pts. receiving fluconazole
    at multiple doses of 400 mg dly or
    higher, coadmin. with cisapride.

    partial basket chart

    Antifungal. Fluconazole 2 mg/ml.
    VIAL (sol. for infus.): 1 x 50 ml. Adults:
    Cryptococc. meningit: 400 mg on 1st
    day, then 200-400 mg dly, single dly
    dose; system. candidias: 200-400 mg
    dly; mucosal candidias: 50 mg dly;
    other mucosal candid. infects: 50-100
    mg dly; vag. candidias: 150 mg single
    dose. Elderly, child over 4 wks: As for
    adults. Child under 4 wks., pts with
    ren./hepat. dysfunct: See lit. 
    Cryptococc. infects., incl. cryptococc.
    meningit., syst. candid., mucosal candid.
    C/I: Hypersens. fluconazole, azoles. Not
    to co-admin with drugs known to prolon
    QT intervals/metabol. by CYP3A4. See lit.

    partial basket chart

    Antifungal, Triazole Derivatives. Fluconazole 200 mg.
    HARD CAPS.:7. Dosage. should be ajust. individ.
    Fungal infec.:
    Cryptococcal meningit.
    Invas. candidias.
    Mucos. candidias. includ. oropharyng., oesophag. candidias., candiduria,chron. mucocutaneous candidias.
    Chron. oral atrophic candidias. (denture sore mouth) if dent. hygiene or topic. tmt. are insuffic.
    Vagin. candidias., acute/ recurrent; when local ther. is not appropr..
    Candidal balanitis when local ther. is not approp.
    Dermatomycos. include. tinea pedis, tinea corporis, tinea cruris, tinea versicolor, derm. candida infec. when system. ther. is indicated.
    Tinea unguinium (onychomycosis) when other agents are not consid. appropriate.
    Fluconazole is indic. in adult. for the prophylaxis of:
    Relapse of cryptococcal meningit. in pts. with high risk of recur.
    Relapse of oropharyng./ oesophag. candidiasis in pts. infec. with HIV
    Pts. with high risk of experienc. relapse.
    To reduce the incidence of recur. vag.  candid. (4 or more episodes a year).
    Prophylaxis of candidal infec. in pts. with prolong. neutropen. (such as pts. with haematolog. malignan. receiv. chemother. or pts. receiving Hematopoietic Stem Cell Transplant.
    Term newborn infan., infant., toddlers, child., adolescen. aged from 0 - 17 yrs. old:
    tmt. of mucosal candidiasis (oropharyngeal, oesophageal), invas. candidiasis and cryptococcal meningit. and the prophylaxis of candidal infec. in immunocomprom. pts. Fluconazole can be used as mainten. ther. to prevent relapse of cryptococcal meningitis in child. with high risk of reoccurrence.
    C/I: Hypersens. Coadmin. with of terfenadine in pts. receiv. fluconazole at multiple doses of 400 mg /d or higher based upon results of a multiple dose interact. study. Coadmin. of other med. products known to prolong the QT interv. and which are metabolised via the P450 (CYP) 3A4 such as cisapride, astemizole, pimozide, quinidine, erythromycin.