All the Active Ingredient Drugs
Barium Sulphate 4.9% w/v. SUSP: 225 ml. 350-450 ml diluted susp. 30
mins. prior to scan and same vol. 5 mins.
prior to scan. Child: Depend. on age and
Opacificat. gastro-intest. tract prior to CAT.
C/I: Known gastro-intest. perforat.,
hypersens. to barium sulph.
Barium Sulphate 98% w/w. PWDR: 340 g. See lit.
For contrast radiography of oesphagus,
stomach, duod. X-ray institutes only.
Barium Sulphate 96.3% w/w. PWDR. FOR SUSP: 176 g.
Typical upper GI: 150 - 340 ml; Small
bowel: 340 - 750 ml. Child: Depend. on
age and wt.
Single use contrast radiography
esophagus, stomach, duoden; small
C/I: Known gastro-intest. perforat.,
hypersens. to barium sulph.
Barium Sulphate 105% w/v. BOTTLE BAG: 500 ml; JUG 1,900 ml. For
rectal use. Depend. on pt. and
Single or double contrast radiography
visulaizat. lower GI tract.
C/I: Known gastro-intest. perforat.,
hypersens. to barium sulph.
Barium Sulphate 96% w/w. ENEMA PWDR. FOR SUSP: 14, 16, 20 oz.
See lit.
Double and single contrast enema. Hosp.