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  • Azacitidine
    2 Drugs classified under this active ingredient

    All the Active Ingredient Drugs

    Azacitidine Teva
    partial basket chart
    Azacitidine Teva

    Antimetabolite. Azacitidine 100 mg.
    VIAL (Lyophilized pwdr. for suspens. for SC Inj./sol. for infus.): 1. 1st tmt. cycle, for all pts. regardless of baseline hematology lab. values, is 75 mg/m² SC or IV, daily for 7 d. Premedicate pts. for nausea & vomit.
    Obtain complete blood counts, hep. enzym., serum creatinine prior to the 1st dose.
    Subseq. Tmt. Cycles: Repeat cycles every 4 wks. The dose may be incr. to 100 mg/m² if no beneficial effect is seen after 2 tmt. cycles and if no toxicity other than nausea & vomit. has occurred. It is recomm. that pts. be treated for a min. of 4-6 cycles. However, complete or partial response may require addit. tmt. cycles. Tmt. may be continued as long as the pt. continues to benefit.
    Tmt. of pts. with the following French-American-British (FAB) myelodysplastic syndr. subtypes: refract. anemia (RA) or refract. anemia with ringed sideroblasts (if accompan. by neutrop. or thrombocytop. or require. transfusions), refract. anemia with excess blasts (RAEB), refract. anemia with excess blasts in transformation (RAEB-T), and chron. myelomonocytic leukem. (CMMoL).
    C/I: Hypersens. Pts. with advanced malig. hep. tumors.

    partial basket chart

    Antimetabolite (pyrimidine analog). Azacitidine 100 mg.
    VIAL: 1 x 100 mg. 1st cycle: 75 mg/m²
    S.C. dly for 7 days. Premed. for naus./
    vomit. See lit for subseq. cycles.
    Myelodysplastic syndr. subtypes. See lit.
    C/I: Hypersens. to azacitidine or mannitol, advanced malign. hepat. tumors.