All the Active Ingredient Drugs
Endothelin A Receptor Antagonist. Ambrisentan 5 mg, 10 mg. FC TABS: 5 mg dly., 10 mg dly. is possible if 5 mg is well tolerated. See lit.
Tmt. of pulmona arterial hypertension (PAH) in adult pts. of WHO Funct. Class (FC) II to III, incl. use in comb. tmt. with tadalafil. Effica. shown in idiopat. PAH and in PAH associat. with connective tissue dis.
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Endothelin A Receptor Antagonist. Ambrisentan 5 mg, 10 mg. F.C. TABS: 30 x 5 mg, 10 mg. 5 mg dly., 10
mg dly. is possible if 5 mg is well
Tmt. of adult pts. with pulm. Art.
Hypertens. (PAH), WHO-classified as class
II and III to improve exercise capacity.
Effic. has been shown in idiop. PAH and in
PAH assoc. with connect. tissue dis.