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  • Padagis Israel Agencies Ltd

    Drugs Disributed by Padagis Israel Agencies Ltd

    Padagis Israel Agencies Ltd
    not in the basket chart
    Multiple ingredients

    Monoclonal Antibody. Trastuzumab 150 mg, Trastuzumab 420 mg.
    Vial:Pwd. for conc. for sol for infus.
    Load: 4-8 mg/kg BW
    Maint. 2-6 mg/kg BW weekly or at 3 weekly interval, see lit.
    Tmt. of pts. with metast. breast cancer who have tumours that overexpress HER2; 1. As a sgle. agent, for the tmt. of those pts. who have received one or more chemother. regimens for their metast. dis..2. In combin. with Paclitaxel or Docetaxel for the tmt. of those pts. who have not received chemother. for their metastatic dis..3. In comb. with an aromatase inhib. for tmt. of postmenopausal ptt. with hne.-receptor posit. metast. breast cancer. See Lit
    C/I: Hypersens. Sev. dyspnea at rest.

    Padagis Israel Agencies Ltd
    partial basket chart
    Multiple ingredients

    TNF-A Inhibitors. Infliximab 100 mg / 10 ml, Infliximab 120 mg/ml.
    VIAL (Pwdr. for concentr. for sol.for infus.):20ml & SC (sol. for subcutan. injection). Dosage must be ajust. individ. accord. to pt. med. cond.
    RA: in comb.with methotrexate, for the reduct. of signs and sympt. as well as the improv. in physic. func. in: Adult pts. with active dis. when the response to DMARDs, include. methotrexate, has been inadeq. Adult pts. with sev., act. and progres. dis. not prev. treated with methotrexate or other DMARDs. In these pt. populations, a reduct. in the rate of the progres. of joint damage, as measured by X‑ray, has been demonst. Ankylos. spondyl.:tmt. of sev., act. ankyl. spondyl., in adult pts. who have responded inadeq. to convent. ther. Psoriatic arthr. tmt. of active and progres.  psoriatic arthr. in adult pts. when the response to prev. DMARD ther. has been inadeq. Infliximab  should be admin. in comb. with methotrexate. Or alone in pts. who show intoler. to methotrexate or for whom methotrexate is contraind.
    C/I: Pts. with a history of hypers. to infliximab or to other murine proteins. Pts. with tuberculosis or other sev. infect.  such as sepsis, abscesses, and opportunistic infect. Pts. with moder./ or sev. heart fail. (NYHA class III/IV).