Presentation and Status in Health Basket
Presentation | Basket | Yarpa | Pharmasoft |
Suspension 15 ml |
70583 | 20602 |
Related information
The preparation is given from the age of 0 and weight of at
least 3 kg.
The generally accepted dosage is: The dosage according to the child’s weight is calculated as 15 mg/kg of the child’s weight, per dose. In other words, 0.15 ml for every kg of the child’s body weight.
Only if the child’s weight is not known – the dosage will be determined according to age, as shown in the age table (at the attached doctor’s leaflet) indicating dosage according to the child’s age only.
Doses should be taken/administered in intervals of at least 4 hours, as necessary, up to 5 doses in 24 hours.
Method of use: Shake well before use.
See prescribing information for full details.
Analgesic and antipyretic.
* Hypersensitivity to the active substance or any of its excipients
* Patients suffering from severe haemolytic anaemia
* Severe hepatocellular insufficiency
Important notes
15 ml bottle may be used up to 6 months after the first opening. 50 ml bottle may be used up to the expiration date.