All the Drug Class Drugs
Iodated, X-ray contrast media. Iopamidol 612.4mg/mL (equal to 300 mg/ml IODINE), 755.3mg/mL (equal to 370 mg/ml IODINE). IOPAMIRO 300: VIAL: 1X50ml, BOTTLES: 1X100ml. IOPAMIRO 370: BOTTLES: 1X 100, 200ml.
Mieloradiculogr. (Iopamiro 300): 5-15 ml.
Cisternogr. & ventriculography (Iopamiro 300): 5-15 ml.
Cerebr. arteriogr. (Iopamiro 300): 5-10 ml per bolus.
Coron. arteriogr. (Iopamiro 370): 8-15 ml per bolus.
Thoracic aortogr. (Iopamiro 370): 1.0-1.2 ml/kg.
Abdom. aortogr. (Iopamiro 370): 1.0-1.2 ml/kg.
Angiocardiogr. (Iopamiro 370): 1.0-1.2 ml/kg.
Select. visceral arteriogr. (Iopamiro 300, 370): dep. on vasc. area to be exam.
Periph. arteriogr. (Iopamiro 300, 370): 40-50 ml.
Digital Subtract. Angiogr. (Iopamiro 370): dep. on vasc. area to be exam.
Venogr. (phlebogr.) (Iopamiro 300): 30-50 ml.
Urogr.: recom. dosage is 30-50 ml for adlts. The less marked osm. diuresis induced by the non ionic agent makes this drug especially suitable for pts. with mild or mod. sev. renal insuff. and for neonates. The new contrast medium affords diagnost. useful nephrogr. even in pts. with major renal insuff.
Other Diagnostic Procedures:
Contrast enhancem. in CT scan. (Iopamiro 300, 370): 0.5-2.0 ml/kg.
Artrogr. (Iopamiro 300): dep. on examin.
Fistulogr. (Iopamiro 300): dep. on examin.
See lit.
X-ray contrast med. in neuroradioly., angiography, urography, CT scanning, arthrography and fistulography.
C/I: Hypersens. to active subst. and water-soluble contrast media or to the excipts.
Intrathecal administration:
Concom. intrathecal administr. of corticoster. with Iopamidol.
Because of overdosage consider., immediate repeat myelography in the event of techn. failure is contraindic. See lit.