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  • Vinca Alkaloid
    5 Drugs classified under this drug class

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    Blastovin PF
    Salomon, Levin & Elstein Ltd
    not in the basket chart
    Blastovin PF

    Vinca Alkaloid. Vinblastine Sulphate 1 mg/ml.
    VIALS: 10 mg. I.V. inject. Initial: Adults:
    Single dose 0.1 mg/kg (3.7 mg/m2) 1 x
    wkly, follow. by leukocyte count. Child:
    Single dose 2.5 mg/m2, follow. by
    leukocyte count. Maint. ther., liver, ren.
    funct. disords., combinat. ther: See lit.
    Tmt. of follow. neoplasms, alone/in
    conjunct. with other oncolyt. drugs: Freq.
    respons. maligns: General. Hodgkin’s dis.
    (stages III and IV, Ann Arbor modific. of Rye
    staging system); non-Hodgkin’s
    lymphoma, reticulum-cell sarcoma,
    lymphosarcoma, mycosis fungoides,
    neuroblastoma, Histiocytosis X. Less freq.
    respons. maligns: Choriocarcinoma resist.
    to other chemotherapeut. agents,
    embryonal carcinoma of the testis,
    carcinoma of the breast, unrespons. to
    approp. endocrine surrg and hormonal
    C/I: Hypersens. to vinblastine or other
    vinca-alkaloids, excipients. Leukopen.
    not relat. to tumor, severe uncontroll.
    infect. Such infects. must first be
    controll. with antiseptics/antibiotics bef.
    admin. vinblastine, intrathecal admin.

    Navelbine 10 mg/ml Concentrate for Solution for Infusion
    partial basket chart
    Navelbine 10 mg/ml Concentrate for Solution for Infusion

    Vinca Alkaloid. Vinorelbine 10mg/ml.
    VIALS (conc. sol. for. infuse.): 1 ml, 5 ml x
    10 mg/ml. For I.V. admin. Dosage must be individ. adjust. for each pt. accord. to indic. and pt. med. cond.
    Non small cell lung cancer, advanced
    breast cancer, hormone refract.
    Prostatecancer, espec. in comb. with low
    dose oral cortico-ther. or estramustine.
    C/I: Known hypersens. Vinorelbine or
    other vinca alk.
    Neutrophil count < 1500/mm3 or sev.
    infec. curr., recent (within 2 weeks).
    Platelet count < 100000/mm3. comb.
    with yellow fev.vac. Preg., lact.
    Addit. only for oral use prepar.: Dis.
    signific. affect. absorp. Prev. sign.surg.
    resec. of stomach, small bow.
    Sev. hep. insuffic. Pts. require.g longterm
    oxygen ther.

    Navelbine 20 mg, 30 mg Capsules
    partial basket chart
    Navelbine 20 mg, 30 mg Capsules

    Vinca Alkaloid. Vinorelbine 20 mg, 30 mg.
    CAPS: 1 x 20 mg, 30 mg. As single agent,
    to be tak en with food. 1st 3 admins: 60
    mg/m2 bdy surface area 1 x wkly.
    Subseq. admins: Incr. to 80 mg/m2 1 x
    wkly except when neutrophil count
    dropped. Dosage must be individ.
    adjust. for each pt. accord. to indic. and
    pt. med. cond.
    Non small cell lung cancer, advanced
    breast cancer.
    C/I: Known hypersens. Vinorelbine or
    other vinca alk.
    Neutrophil count < 1500/mm3 or sev.
    infec. curr., recent (within 2 weeks).
    Platelet count < 100000/mm3. comb.
    with yellow fev.vac. Preg., lact.
    Addit. only for oral use prepar.: Dis.
    signific. affect. absorp. Prev. sign.surg.
    resec. of stomach, small bow.
    Sev. hep. insuffic. Pts. require.g longterm
    oxygen ther.

    Salomon, Levin & Elstein Ltd
    partial basket chart

    Vinca Alkaloid. Vincristine Sulphate 1 mg/ml.
    VIALS: 1 ml, 2 ml, 5ml. See lit.
    Acute leukem., malign. lymphomas (incl.
    Hodgkin’s dis.), lympho-sarcoma,
    reticulum cell, sarcoma, neuroblastoma,
    Wilm’s tumor, rhabdomyosarcoma.

    Vinorelbin “Ebewe” 10 mg/ml
    partial basket chart
    Vinorelbin “Ebewe” 10 mg/ml

    Vinca Alkaloid. Vinorelbine (as tartrate) 10 mg/ml.
    VIALS: 1 x 10 mg/ml; 1 x 50 mg/5 ml. I.V.
    use. Adjust accord. indicat., gen. cond.,
    hepat./ren. funct., concurr. chemother.,
    blood counts.
    Non-small cell lung cancer, advanced
    breast cancer, hormone-refract. prostate
    cancer espec. in comb. with low dose oral
    corticoid ther. or Estramustin.
    C/I: Hypersens., neutrophil counts below
    2,000/mm3, severe current/recent
    infect., pregn., lact. Intrathecal admin.