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  • Vesicular Monoamine Transporter 2
    1 Drug classified under this drug class

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    Vesicular Monoamine Transporter 2. Deutetrabenazine 6,9,12 mg.
    E.R. TABS.:60. The dose is determ. individ. for each pt. based on reduct. of chorea or tardive dyskines.and tolerab. When first prescribe. to pts. who are not being switch. from tetrabenazine (a related VMAT2 inhib.), the recomm. init. dose is 6 mg admin. oral. once dly. with/ without food  for pts. with Huntington’s dis. and
    12 mg/d (6 mg ×2/d) for pts. with tard. dyskines.
    The dose may be incr. at wkly. intervals in increm. of 6 mg/d to a max. recomm. dly. dosage of 48 mg.
    Admin. of total dly. dosages of 12 mg or above in two divid. doses.
    The drug should be swall. whole, not chewed, crushed, or broken tabs.
    In pts. with risk for QT prolong., the QT interv. should be asses. before and after incr. total dosage above 24 mg/ d. See lit.
    Switch. Pts. from Tetrabenazine (Xenazine) to Austedo. See lit.
    Indic. in adult. for the tmt. of chorea assoc. with Huntington’s dis.
    Indic. in adult. for the tmt. tardive dyskinesia.

    C/I: Pts. with Huntington’s dis. who are suicidal, or have untreated or inadequate. treated depres.
    Pts. with hep. impair.
    Pts. taking reserpine. At least 20 days should elapse after stop. reserpine before starting tmt.
    Pts. treat. with MAOIs. Drug should not be used in comb. with an MAOI, or within 14d. of discount. ther. with an MAOI.
    Pts. treat. with tetrabenazine (Xenazine) or valbenazine.