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  • Radio-Pharmaceutical
    3 Drugs classified under this drug class

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    S.R.Y. (Medical Services) LTD, Israel
    partial basket chart

    Radio-Pharmaceutical. Lutetium [177Lu] Oxodotreotide 600 MBq/mL 7,400 MBq / 12.5 ml.
    VIAL (sol. for IV infusion):1X 12.5 ml (7,400 MBq). Recomm. dose: 4  vials at interval  of 8 weeks between each, can be ext. to 16 weeks. See lit.
    Tmt. of unresect. or metast., progr., well diff. (G1 and G2), somatost. recept-posit. gastroenteropancr. neuroendocr. tumors (GEP-NETs) in adults.
    C/I: Hypersens. Pregnancy or susp. pregn.
    Renal fail. (creatinine clear. <30 mL/min)

    Lutathera 370 MBq/mL Solution for Infusion
    Marshall Isotope
    not in the basket chart
    Lutathera 370 MBq/mL Solution for Infusion

    Radio-Pharmaceutical. Lutetium (177Lu) Oxodotreotide 370 MBq/ml.
    VIAL (sol. for infus.): 1. The recomm. tmt. regimen of Lutathera in adult. consists of 4 infus. of 7,400 MBq each. The recom. interval betwn. each admin. is 8 wks. which could be extended up to 16 wks. in case of dose modif. toxic. (DMT).
    For renal protect. purpose, an amino acid sol. must be admin. IV during 4 hrs. The infus. of the amino acid sol. should start 30 min. prior to start of Lutetium (177LU) Oxodotreotide infus. See lit.
    Tmt. of unresect. / metastat., progres., well different. (G1& G2), somatostatin recept. posit. gastroenteropancreatic neuroendocrine tumours (GEP-NETs) in adult.
    C/I: Hypersens. to the active subst. Establish./suspect. pregn. or when pregn. has not been exclud. Renal fail. with Cr/Cl < 30 mL/min.

    partial basket chart

    Radio-Pharmaceutical. Radium-223 Dichloride 1100 kBq/ml.
    VIAL (sol. for inj.): 6 ml (6.0 MBq
    radium-223 dichloride at the ref. date)
    50 kBq per kg BDW., given at 4 week
    interv. for 6 inj.
    Dose must be administ./adjust. individ.
    by a radiother. special.
    Tmt. of adult. with castrat.-resist. prost.
    cancer, sympt. bone metast. and no
    known visc. metastases.
    C/I: Not known.