All the Drug Class Drugs
Potassium Channel Blocker. Fampridine 10 mg. PR Tabs 28/56 X 10 mg
One 10 mg tab, twice daily, taken 12 hours apart .
Improvem. of walking in adlt. pts. with MS with walking disab. (EDSS 4-7)
C/I: Hypersens. Conc. tmt. with other med. prod. contain. fampridine (4-aminopyridine). Pts. with hist.or current seizures. Pts. with mild, mod. or sev. renal impairm. (creat. clear. <80 ml/min).
Concom. use with inhibit. of Organic Cation
Transporter 2 (OCT2) for ex., cimetidine.
Potassium Channel Blocker. Fampridine 10 mg. P.R. TABS: 56. 1 tab 2 x dly. To be
swallowed whole without food.
Improve. walking in adult pts. with
multiple sclerosis with walking difficulties
(EDSS 4-7).
C/I: Hypersens., ren. impair., concurr. tmt.
with other fampridine meds., history or
current present. seizure.