All the Drug Class Drugs
Oxazolidinone. Linezolid 600 mg. FC tabs X 1/10/20/30/50/60/100/200
Commun. acq./nosocomial pneum,
includ. concurr. bacterem.;
complicat. skin/skin struct. infect.,
includ. diabetic foot infect.:
Adults/ adolesc. (12 yrs
and older): 600 mg every 12hrs
for 10-14 days.
Vancomycin resist. infects. (incl.
concurrent bacterem.): Adults/
adolesc. (12 yrs and older): 600 mg
every 12 hrs for 14-28 days.
MRSA: Adults: 600 mg every 12 hrs. See lit.
Indic. only when an organ. resist. to all other antibiotics is suspect.
in adlt and ped. ptss for tmt. of infect. when known or suspect. to be caused by suscept. organ. incl. those assoc. with concurr. bacteraemia such as:
1) Pneumonia - community acq. and nosocomial pneumonia incl. multi drug resist. streptococcus pneumonia (MDRSP).
2) Skin and soft tissue infect. incl. diabetic foot infects.
3) Enterococcal infect.
Linezolid is act. against Gram–posit. bacteria only. Comb. ther. may be indic. if a concom. Gram-negat. pathogen is doc. or suspect.
C/I . Hypersens. Breastfeed. Concom. use with MAOi A or B (e.g., phenelzine, isocarboxazid, selegiline, moclobemide) or within 14 days of taking any such drug. Pts with uncontrolled hypertension, phaeochromocytoma, carcinoid, thyrotoxicosis, bipolar depression, schizoaffective disorder, acute confusional states.
Concom. use with: serotonin re-uptake inhibitors, tricyclic antidepressants, serotonin 5-HT1 receptor agonists (triptans), direct. and indirect. acting sympathomimetic agents (incl. adrenergic bronchodilators, pseudoephedrine and phenylpropanolamine), vasopressive agents (e.g., epinephrine, norepinephrine), dopaminergic agents (e.g., dopamine, dobutamine), pethidine or buspirone.
Oxazolidinone. Linezolid 600 mg, 2 mg/ml. TABS: 10.
INFUS. SOLN: 300 ml x 2 mg/ml. Infus.
over 30-120 mins. Commun. acq./
nosocomial pneum, includ. concurrent
bacterem.; complicat. skin/skin
structure infects., including diabetic
foot infects: Adults/ adolesc. (12 yrs
and older): 600 mg I.V./oral every 12
hrs for 10-14 days. Ped. pts: 10 mg/kg
I.V./oral every 8 hrs for 10-14 days.
Vancomycin resist. infects. (incl.
concurrent bacterem.): Adults/
adolescents (12 yrs and older): 600 mg
I.V./oral every 12 hrs for 14-28 days.
Ped. pts: 10 mg/kg I.V./oral every 8 hrs
for 14-28 days. Uncomplicat. skin/skin
structure infects: Adults: 400 mg oral
every 12 hrs; Adolesc. 600 mg oral
every 12 hrs, both for 10-14 days. Ped.
pts: < 5 yrs: 10 mg/kg oral every 8 hrs;
5-11 yrs: 10 mg/kg oral every 12 hrs;
both for 10-14 days. Neonates <7 days:
10 mg/kg every 12 hrs. See lit. MRSA:
Adults: 600 mg every 12 hrs.
Indic. in adult & ped. pts. for the tmt. of
infect. when known or suspect. to be
caused by suscept. organisms includ.
those assoc. with concur. bacteraemia
such as:
Pneum. commun. acquir. and nosocom.
pneum. includ. MDRSP.
Skin&soft tissue infec. include. diabetic
foot infect.
Enterococcal infec. Comb. ther. may be
indicated if a concom. Gram neg.
pathogen is document. or suspect.
C/I: Hypersens.
Concom. use with MAOi A or B (e.g.
phenelzine, moclobemide) or within 2
wks. of taking any such drug.
Pts. with uncontrol. hypertens. ,
pheochromocytoma, thyrotoxicosis
and/or pts. taking any of the follow. types of meds.: direct./ indirect. act.
sympathom. agents (e.g.,
phenylpropanolamine), vasopressive
agents (e.g., epinephrine,
norepinephrine), dopaminergic agents
(e.g., dopamine, dobutamine).