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  • Nonselective β-Blocker
    2 Drugs classified under this drug class

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    partial basket chart
    Multiple ingredients

    Carbonic Anhydrase Inhibitor, Nonselective β-Blocker. Brinzolamide 10 mg/ml, Timolol Maleate 5 mg/ml.
    BOTTLE: 5 ml. 1 dr ×2/d in conjunctival sac of the affected eye(s). See lit.
    Decrease of intra-ocular pressure (IOP) in adult pts. with open-ang. glauc. or ocular hypertens. for whom monother. provides insuffic. IOP reduct.
    C/I: Hypersens. Hypersens. to other β-block. Hypersens. to sulphonamides.
    Reactive airway dis. include. bronch. asthma/history of bronch. asthma, or severe COPD. Sinus bradycardia, sick sinus synd., sino-atrial block, 2nd/3rd degree AV block not control. with pace-maker. Overt CF, cardiogenic shock. Severe allergic rhinitis. Hyperchloraemic acidosis. Sev. renal impair.

    partial basket chart

    Nonselective β-Blocker. Propranolol (HCl) 3.75 mg/mL.
    GLASS BOTTLE (oral sol.): 120ml. For oral use. It should be admin. directly into the child's mouth using the graduated oral syr., calibr. in mg of propranolol base, suppl. with the oral sol. bottle, during/ right after meal. to avoid the risk of hypoglycaemia. The posology is expressed in propranolol base.
    Init. dose is 1 mg/kg/d. which is divided into two separate doses of 0.5 mg/kg. It is recom. to incr. the dose up to the therap. dose under med. supervis. as follows: 1 mg/kg/d for 1 wk., then 2 mg/kg/d for 1 wk. and then 3 mg/kg/d as a mainten. dose.
    The therap. dose is 3 mg/kg/d., which is to be admin. into 2 separate doses of 1.5 mg/kg, one in the morn. and one in late afternoon, with a time interv. of at least 9 hrs. betwn. two intakes.
    If the child is not eating or is vommit.-skip the dose. In case the child spits up a dose or does not take all of the med., no other dose should be given before the next scheduled dose.
    During the titrat. phase, each dose incr. must be manag. and monitor., by a physician in the same condit. as the admin. of the init. dose. After the titrat. phase, the dose will be readjust. by the physician accord. to the changes in the child’s weight.
    Clinical monitor. of the child condition, and dose readjust., need to be performed at least mnthly.
    Durat. of tmt.: This med. should be admin. for a 6-month period.
    Discontinuat. of tmt. does not require a progres. decr. in the dose.
    In the minor, of pts. show. a relapse of sympt. after tmt. discont. tmt. may be re-initiat. under the same condit. with a satisfact. response.
    The bottle should not be shaken before use.
    Tmt. of proliferat. infantile haemangioma requiring system. ther.:
    Life- or funct.-threatening haemangioma,
    Ulcerated haemangioma with pain and/or lack of response to simple wound car measures, Haemangioma with a risk of permanent scars or disfigurement.
    It is to be initiated in infants aged 5 wks.-5 mnths.
    C/I: Premature infants, for whom the corrected age of 5 weeks has not been reached (the corrected age being calculated by subtracting the number of weeks of prematurity from the actual age). Breastfed infant., if the mother is treated with meds. contraindic. with propranolol. Hypersens. Asthma/hist. of bronchospasm. 2nd/3rd -degree AV blocks. Dis. of the sinus node (includ. sinoatrial block). Bradycardia below the follow. limits: child(0-3 mnths.) whose heart beat.=100, child(3-6 mnths.) whose heart beat.=90, child(6-12 mnths.) whose heart beat.=80. Low blood press. below the follow. limits: child(0-3 mnths.) whose blood press. (mmhg)=65/40, child(3-6 mnths.)  whose blood press. (mmhg)=70/50, child(6-12 mnths.) whose blood press. (mmhg)=80/55.