All the Drug Class Drugs
NMDA Antagonist. Memantine HCl 10 mg. TABS: 56. Max: 20 mg dly. Titrat. for
maint. dose by 5 mg/wk for first 3 wks:
1st wk: 5 mg dly (1/2 tab); 2nd wk: mg
1 x dly; 3rd wk: 15 mg 1 x dly.; 4th
wk: Cont. with maint. dose: 20 mg 1 x
dly. See lit.
Tmt. of pts. with moder.- sev. Alzheimer’s
C/I: Hypersens.
NMDA Antagonist. Memantine HCl 20 mg. TABS: 28, 56. Max: 20 mg dly. Titrat. for
maint. dose by 5 mg/wk for first 3 wks:
1st wk: 5 mg dly (1/2 tab); 2nd wk: mg
1 x dly; 3rd wk: 15 mg 1 x dly.; 4th
wk: Cont. with maint. dose: 20 mg 1 x
dly. See lit.
Tmt. of pts. with moder.- sev. Alzheimer’s
C/I: Hypersens.
NMDA Antagonist. Memantine HCl 10 mg/g. ORAL SOL.: 50 g x 5 mg pump
actuation. Recommend. maint. dose:
20 mg (4 pump actuats.) dly achieved
by upward titrat. of 5 mg/wk over 1st 3
wks as follows: 1st wk: 1 pump actuat.
1 x dly, 2nd wk: 2 pump actuats. 1 x
dly; 3rd wk: 3 pump actuats. 1 x dly;
4th week on: Max 4 pump actuats. 1 x
dly. Not recommend. child under 18
yrs. See lit.
Tmt. of pts. with moder.- sev. Alzheimer’s
C/I: Hypersens.
NMDA Antagonist. Memantine HCl 10 mg, 20 mg. TABS: 28, 56. Max. dly dose: 20 mg.
Achieved by titrat. of 5 mg/wk over 1st 3
wks. as foll: Week 1: 5 mg dly (1/2 tab in
morn.); week 2: 10 mg 1 x dly; week 3: 15
mg 1 x dly; week 4 and follow:
recommend. maint. dose: 20 mg 1 x dly.
See lit.
Mod.-severe to severe Alzheimer’s dis.
C/I: Hypersens.
NMDA Antagonist. Memantine HCl 10 mg, 20 mg. F.C. TABS.: 28,56. Adult. & elderly - 20 mg/d. To reduce the risk for side effects: 1st wk.: 5 mg/d. 2nd wk.: 10 mg/d. 3rd wk.: 15 mg/d. 4th Week and beyond: 20/d. The init. dose 5mg/d. during the 1st week. On the 2nd wk., 1 tab. (10mg)/d. On the 2rd wk., 1/2 tab. (5mg)/d. From the 4th wk. and beyond, 20 mg/d. See lit.
Treatment of patients with moderate to severe Alzheimer’s disease.
C/I: Hypersens.
NMDA Antagonist. Esketamine 28 mg/vail. Sol. for nasal spray.2/3 vials.
Adlts. <65 years with treatment-resistant Major Depress. Disord.
Weeks 1-4: Starting day 1 dose: 56 mg.
Subsequent doses: 56 mg or 84 mg twice a week.
Maint: Weeks 5-8: 56 mg or 84 mg once weekly. From week 9: 56 mg or 84 mg every 2 weeks or once weekly. After depress. sympt. improve, tmt. is recommend. for at least 6 months.
Adlts.>65 years with treatment-resistant Major Depress. disord.
Weeks 1-4: Starting day 1 dose: 28 mg.
Subsequent doses: 28, 56 or 84 mg twice a week.
Maint: Weeks 5-8: 28, 56 or 84 mg once weekly. From week 9: 28, 56 or 84 mg every 2 weeks or once weekly. After depress. sympt. improve, tmt. is recommend. for at least 6 months.
Acute short-term treatment of psychiatr. emerg. due to Major Depress. Disord.:
Adlt. pts. (<65 years) : 84 mg twice per week for 4 weeks. Dose reduct. to 56 mg should be made based on tolerab. After 4 weeks of tmt., oral antidepressant (AD) ther. should be contin.
See full prescr. details for older pts.
In combinat. with a SSRI or SNRI, for adlts with tmt.-resist. Major Depress. Disord., who have not respond. to at least two diff. tmt. with antidepr. in the curr. mod. to sev. depress. episode.
Co-administr. with oral antidepress. ther., indic. in adlts with a moder. to sev. episode of Major Depress. Disord, as acute short-term tmt., for the rapid reduct. of depress. sympt., which accord. to clin. judgem. constitute a psych. emerg.
Limitations of Use: The effectiv. of this drug in prevent. suicide or in reducing suicidal ideat. or behavior has not been demonstr. Use of this drug does not preclude the need for hospitaliz. if clinic. warranted, even if pts. experience improvem. after an initial dose.
C/I: Hypersens. to act. subst., ketamine, or to any of the excipients. Pts. for whom an increase in BP or intracran. press. poses a ser. risk. Pts. with aneurysmal vasc. dis. (includ. intracran., thorac., or abdom. aorta, or periph. art. vessels). Pts. with hist. of intracerebr. haemorrhage. Recent (within 6 weeks) CV event, includ. myocard. infarct. (MI).