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  • Muscle relaxant
    1 Drug classified under this drug class

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    Muscle relaxant. Rocuronium Bromide 10 mg/ml.
    Vial (sol. for. inj): 10×5ml. Dosage must be adjust. individ.
    Indicated in adult & paed. pts. (from term neonates - adolescents [0 to <18 years]) as an adjunct to general anaesthesia to facilitate tracheal intubate. during routine sequence induct. and to provide skeletal muscle relax. during surg.
    In adults it is also indica. to facilitate tracheal intubation during rapid sequence induct. and as an adjunct in the intens. care unit (ICU) to facilitate intubat. and mechanic. ventilation.
    C/I: Hypersens.