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  • LMWH
    3 Drugs classified under this drug class

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    partial basket chart

    LMWH. Enoxaparin (as sodium) 100 mg/ml.
    PRE-FILLED SYR.: 2 x 20 mg/0.2 ml,
    40 mg/0.4 ml, 60 mg/0.6 ml, 80 mg/0.8
    ml, 100 mg/1.0 ml.
    SC admin./IV bolus during
    Dosage must be individ. adjust. by
    phys. accord. medic. condit. of the pt.
    See lit.
    At doses of 20 mg, 40 mg: Proph. tmt. of
    thrombo-emb. disord. of venous orig.,
    partic. in orthop. surg. or in general surg.
    Preven. of thrombus format. in the extracorporeal
    circul. during hemodialysis.
    At dose of 40 mg: Proph. tmt. of DVT in
    pts. who are bedridden due to an acute
    med. disord., Heart fail. (HYHA class III or
    IV), Acute resp. fail., Episode of acute
    infec., acute rheum. disord, comb. with at
    least one other ven. thromboemb. risk fac.
    At doses of 60, 80 ,100 mg: Tmt. of DVT,
    unst. angina and non-Q-wave MI
    adminis. concur. with aspirin. Tmt. of
    pulmonary embolism., Tmt. of acute STseg.
    elevation MI , in comb. with a
    thrombolytic ag. in pts. eligible or not for
    subseq. coron. angioplas.
    C/I: Curative Or Preventive: Hypersens.
    to enoxaparin, heparin or derive. incl.
    other LMWH; Hist. of serious type II HIT;
    Bleed. or tendency to bleed related to
    impair. hemostasis; Organ. lesion likely
    to bleed; Clinic. signif. active bleed.;
    Curative Doses: Intracerebr. hemorrh.;
    Spinal or epid. anesth. must never be
    performed in pts under curative LMWH

    partial basket chart

    LMWH. Enoxaparin (as sodium) 2000 IU, 4000 IU, 6000 IU, 8000 IU, 10000IU.
    PREFILL.SYR. (sol. for inj.): 2,6,10,20,50 × 2,000 IU (20 mg)/0.2 mL; 2,6,10,20,30,50 × 4,000 IU (40 mg)/0.4 mL; 2,6,10,12,24, 30 × 6,000 IU (60 mg)/0.6 mL, 8,000 IU (80 mg)/0.8mL, 10,000 IU (100 mg)/1 mL.
    Dosage must be individ. adjust. by phys. accord. medic. condit. of the pt. See lit.
    Prophylaxis of VTE  in moder. & high risk surgical patients, in particular those undergoing orthopaedic or general surgery includ. cancer surg.
    Prophylaxis of venous thromboembol. dis. in medical pts. with an acute illness (such as acute heart failure, respirat. insufficiency, severe infec. or rheumatic dis.) and reduced mobility at increased risk of venous thromboemb.
    Tmt. of DVT and PE, exclud. PE likely to require thrombolytic ther. or surgery. Prevention of thrombus formation in extra corporeal circulation during haemodialysis.
    Acute coronary syndr.:
    - Tmt. of unstable angina and Non ST-segment elevation MI (NSTEMI), in comb.  with oral acetylsalicylic acid.
    - Tmt. of acute ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) include. pts. to be managed medically or with subsequent percutan. coronary intervent. (PCI).
    C/I: Hypersens. enoxaparin sodium, heparin or its derivate., includ. other LMWH.
    History of immune mediated heparin-induced thrombocytop. (HIT) within the past 100 days or in the presence of circulat. antibodies.
    Active clinically significant bleed., conditions with a high risk of hemorrhage, includ. recent haemorrhagic stroke, GI ulcer, presence of malignant neoplasm at high risk of bleed., recent brain, spinal or ophthalmic surg. , known or suspected oesophageal varices, arteriovenous malformat., vasc. aneurysms or major intraspinal or intracerebral vasc. abnormalities; Spinal or epidural anaesthesia or loco-regional anaesthesia when enoxaparin sodium is used for tmt. in the previous 24 hrs.

    partial basket chart

    LMWH. Dalteparin 2500 IU/ml, 10000 IU/ml, 2500 IU/0.2 ml, 5000 IU/0.2 ml.
    SINGLE DOSE SYRINGE: 10 x 2,500 IU/0.2
    ml, 7,500 IU/0.3 ml, 10,000 IU/0.4, 12,500
    IU/0.5, 15,000 IU/0.6 ml, 17,500 IU/0.72 ml.
    AMPS: 10 x 10,000 IU/ml, 10,000/4 ml.
    Once dly admin.: 200 IU/kg bdy. wt. is admin. SC once dly. Monitor. of the anticoagul. effect is not necessary. The single daily dose should not exceed 18000 IU.
    Twice dly. admin.: Alternatively, a dose of 100 IU/kg total bdy. wt. admin. SC twice dly. may be given. Monitor.of the anticoag.effect is generally not necessary but should be consid. for specific pt. populations. Max. plasma levels are obtained 3-4 hrs. after  SC inj. when samples should be taken. Recommended plasma levels are between 0.5-1.0 IU anti-Xa/ml. See lit.

    Prevent. clot during hemodialysis
    hemofiltration in acute renal fail. or
    chron. renal insuffic., tmt. acute deep
    venous pulm. embol., proph.
    thromboembol. in pre and post op. surg.,
    unstable coron. art. dis. See lit.
    C/I: Pts. with active major bleed.
    Pts.  with a history of heparin induced thrombocytop. or heparin induced thrombocytop. with thrombosis.
    Pts.  with prior hypersens. to dalteparin sodium (e.g., pruritis, rash, anaph. react.).
    Pts.  undergoing Epidural/Neuraxial anesthesia , As a tmt. for unstable angina and non-Q-wave MI, for prolong. VTE prophylax.
    Pts. with prior hypersens. to heparin or pork products.