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  • Leukotriene Receptor Antagonist
    2 Drugs classified under this drug class

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    MONTAIR 4 mg, 5 mg Chewable Tablets
    MONTAIR 4 mg, 5 mg Chewable Tablets

    Leukotriene Receptor Antagonist. Montelukast Sodium 4mg, 5mg.
    Chew. Tabs.: 30. Adlt. 15 years and over with Asthma and/or Season. allergic rhinitis: 10 mg /d.
    Ped. pts. 6 to 14 years old with Asthma and/or Season. allergic rhinitis: 5 mg/d. Ped. pts. 2 to 5 years old with Asthma and/or Season. allergic rhinitis: 4-mg/d.

    Tabs 4 mg
    . in adlt. and ped. pts. aged 2 and over for the prophyl. and chron. tmt. of asthma, incl. prevent. of daytime and nighttime sympt., tmt. of aspirin-sensit. asthmatic pts., and  prevent. of exercise-induced bronchoconstrict. Effect. alone or in comb. with other agents used in the maint. tmt of chronic asthma. This drug and inh. corticost. may be used concom. with addit. effects to ctrol. asthma or reduce. the inhal. corticost. dose while maintaining clin. stability. For the relief of sympt. of season. allergic rhinitis in adlts and ped. pts. aged and over.
    Tabs 5mg. for use by adlt. and ped. pts. aged 6 and over.

    partial basket chart

    Leukotriene Receptor Antagonist. Montelukast Sodium 4, 5, 10 mg.
    CHEW TABS: 28 x 4 mg, 5 mg. Child. 2-5
    yrs: 4 mg at bedt.; 6-14 yrs: 5 mg.
    tab 1 x dly at bedt.
    TABS: 28 x 10 mg. Adults: 1 tab 1 x dly
    at bedt.
    SACHETS (ORAL GRANULES): 28 x 4 mg.
    Child 1-5 yrs: 1 sachet (4 mg) 1 x dly in
    Tmt. of adult and ped. pts 12 mths and
    older for proph. and tmt. chron. asthma,
    incl. prevent. daytime and nighttime
    sympts, tmt. aspirin-sens. asthmat. pts,
    prevent. excercise-induced
    Effective alone or in comb. with other
    agents used in the maint. tmt. of chron.
    asthma Inhal. corticost. may be used
    concom. with addit. effect. to control
    asthma or to reduce the inhal. corticost.
    dose while maint. clinic. stability. Indic. for
    the relief of daytime and nighttime symp.
    of season. allerg. rhinitis in adult., ped.
    pts. 2 yrs. of age and older.
    C/I: Hypersens