All the Drug Class Drugs
Drugs used in Alcohol Dependence. Nalmefene 18.06 mg (as hydrochloride dihydrate). F.C. TABS: 14. Administ. should be adjust.
individ, for each pt. accord. to its clin.
status, alcohol depend., level of alcohol
consump. Therap. must cont. under
const. superv. of specialist.
Max. Dose is 18.06 mg ×1/d, before or
after meal.
Reduc. of alcohol consump. in adult pts.
with alcohol depend. who have a high DRL,
without phys. withdrawal sympt. and who
do not require immed. detoxif.
Should only be used in conjunct.with
contin. psychosoc. support focused on tmt.
adherence and reduc. alcohol consump.
Should be init. only in pts. who cont. to have a high DRL two weeks after init.
C/I: Hypersens. Pts. taking opioid agon. (e.g. opioid analg., opioids for substit. ther. with
opioid agon. (e.g. methadone) or part.
agon. (e.g. buprenorphine). Pts. with curr., recent opioid addic. Pts. with acute sympt. of opioid withdrawal. Pts. suspect. in recent use of opioids. Sev. hep.impair. Sev. ren. impair. (eGFR<30 ml/min per 1.73 m²).
Recent hist. of acute alcohol withdrawal
synd. (include. hallucin. seiz., delir.