All the Drug Class Drugs
Contact Laxative. Bisacodyl 5 mg. TABS: 30, 50. 1-3 tabs. at bedt. Child: 6
yrs and over: 1 tabs (0.3 mg/kg bdy.
wt.) at bedt.
All types of constip. in ambul., bed-ridden
pts over 6 yrs. Prep. of pts for abdom.
radiogr., proctosc.
C/I: Hypersens. to the product; Acute
surg. abdomen; Pts with ileus, intest.
obstr., acute abdom. cond. incl.
appendicitis, acute IBD, severe abdom.
pain assoc. with nausea/vomit. which
may be indic. of the aforement. sev.
cond.; Severe dehydr.;
Undiagn. rectal bleed.