All the Drug Class Drugs
Anti-von Willebrand Factor (vWF). Caplacizumab 10 mg. Vial, pwd. and solv. for sol. for inject. 1/7 X 10 mg
First dose: IV of 10 mg of caplacizumab prior to plasma exchange.
Subseq. doses: Daily SC of 10 mg of caplacizumab after completion of each plasma exchange for the durat. of daily plasma exchange , followed by daily SC of 10 mg of caplacizumab for 30 days after stopping daily plasma exchange.
If after init. course, sign(s) of persist. underlying dis. such as suppressed ADAMTS13 activity levels remain, tmt. may be extended for a max. of 28 days.
For adlts and adolesc. of 12 years and older weighing
at least 40 kg exper. an episode of acq. thromb. thrombocytopenic purpura (aTTP), in conjunct. with plasma exchange and immunosuppress.
C/I: Hypersens