All the Active Ingredient Drugs
Expectorant. Primula Root 60 mg of dry extract of primula root (6-7 : 1); extracting agent: ethanol 47.4% (V/V), Thyme Herb 160 mg of dry extract of thyme herb (6-10 : 1); extracting agent: ethanol 70% (V/V). F.C. TABS.: 20. Adolesc., child. from the age of 12 yrs. and adult. take 1 TAB. ×3/d. should be swallow. unchew., with suffic. liquid (prefer. a glass of water) before meals. Do not chew, split or crush the film-coat. tab. The durat. of tmt. depend. on the course of the dis.
For the relief of sympt. in acute bronchit. with coughs and colds associate. with viscous mucus in child. from 12 yrs. of age, adolesc. and adult.
C/I: Hypersens. to the active substances or other labiates (Lamiaceae), birch, mugwort, celeriac or to any of the excip.