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  • Nicotine
    2 Drugs classified under this active ingredient

    All the Active Ingredient Drugs

    Nicotinell Gum
    full basket chart
    Nicotinell Gum

    Alkaloid. Nicotine 2 mg, 4 mg.
    GUM (Fruit and mint): 48, 204 x 2 mg; 48
    x 4 mg. 1 piece of gum on urge to
    smoke. Usually 8-12 pieces req. dly.
    Max: 25 pieces of 2 mg dly; 15 pieces of
    4 mg dly.
    Aid to smoking cessation.

    Nicotinell Lozenges
    partial basket chart
    Nicotinell Lozenges

    Alkaloid. Nicotine 1 mg, 2 mg.
    Lozenges: 36 x 1 mg, 2 mg. 1-2 loz. every
    1-2 hrs. Recommend: 8-12 loz dly. Max.
    30 x 1 mg/15 x 2 mg dly.
    For adults > 18 yrs. Aid to smoking
    cessation. Also as part of program to
    reduce smoking prior to stopping
    completely. 1 mg: for smokers of < 20
    cigarettes dly; 2 mg: for smokers of > 20
    cigarettes dly.
    C/I: Hypersens., non-smokers, <18 yrs,