All the Active Ingredient Drugs
Prostaglandin Analogues. Latanoprost 50 mcg/ml. EYE DROPS: 2.5 ml. 1 drop in affect.
eye/s 1 x dly in the even.
Reduct. elevat. IOP as first line tmt. open
angle glaucoma, oc. hypertens..
C/I: Hypersens.
Prostaglandin Analogues. Latanoprost 0.05 mg/ml. BOTTLE: 2.5ml. Recomm. dosage for adults (includ. the elderly): One eye drop in the affected eye(s) once dly. in the eve.
Reduc. of elevated intraoc. pressure as a 1st line tmt. in pts. with open-ang. glauc. and ocular hypertens.
C/I: Hypersens.
Prostaglandin Analogues, β Blocker. Latanoprost 0.05 mg/ml, Timolol Maleate 5 mg/ml. BOTTLE :2.5ml. Recommen. dose is one eye drop in the affect. eye(s) once dly.
Reduct. of pts. with open ang. glauc. and ocul. hypertens. who are insuffic. responsive to topical β- block.
C/I: Hypersens. Hypersens. to β-block. Pts. with past/present respire. distur. such as: asthma, sev. chron. obstruct. bronchitis (a sev. lung dis., difficulty in breath. heavy breath. and/or prolong. cough). Card. disorder or serious arrhythm. Preg. Lact.
Prostaglandin Analogues. Latanoprost 50 mcg/ml, Timolol Maleate 5 mg/ml. EYE DROPS: 2.5 ml. 1 drop in affect. eye(s) 1 x dly. Not to exceed 1 drop.
Reduct. of intraoc. pressure (IOP) in pts. with open ang. glaucoma & ocular hypertens. who are insuffic. responsive to topical beta-block.
C/I: Hypersen. Reactive airway dis. includ. bronch. asthma or a history of bronch. asthma, severe chronic obstruct. pulmon. dis. Sinus bradycardia, sick sinus syndr., sino-atrial block, 2nd-3rd degree AV block not controlled with pace-maker, overt cardiac fail., cardiogen. shock.
Prostaglandin Analogues. Latanoprost 50 mcg/ml. EYE DROPS: 2.5 ml. 1 drop in affect.
eye(s) 1 x dly in even.
Optimal effect is obtained if it admin.
in the even. See lit.
Reduct. of elevat. Intraocul. Pres. as a 1ST
line tmt. in pts. with open angle
glaucoma. and ocul. hypertens.
C/I: Hypersens.