All the Active Ingredient Drugs
5-α Reductase Inhibitor. Finasteride 1 mg. TABS: 1 mg x 30, 100.
1 mg tablet x 1 dly. May be taken with/
without meals.
Effic., durat. of tmt. should contin. be
assessed by the treat. physic. Gener., 3
or more mths. of once dly. tmt. are
required before evidence of benefit is
observed. Contin. use is recom. to sustain benefit, which should be
re-eval. period.
Tmt. of men with male pattern hair loss
(androgenetic alopecia) to incr. hair
growth and prevent further hair loss.
C/I: Hypersens. to product, not for use in
women and child., not to be used in
comb. with any other med. contain.
Finasteride, Dutasteride, preg.
5-α Reductase Inhibitor. Finasteride 5 mg. TABS: 28. 1 tab. dly.
5-α Reductase Inhibitor. Finasteride 1 mg. FC tab. 1 mg X 24
Tab 1/d. Efficacy to be assessed by phys. Grally., 3 or more tmt. months needed before benefit can be observed. Cont. tmt. is recomm. to sustain benefit.
for men with male pattern hair loss (androgenetic alopecia) to incr. hair growth and prevent further hair loss.
C/I: hypersens./women, chld./ Not to be used in combin. with other med. containing finasteride, dutasteride.
5-α Reductase Inhibitor. Finasteride 1 mg. TABS: 10, 30, 98. 1 tab dly.
Male pattern hair loss (androgen.
alopecia) to increase hair growth, prevent
further hair loss.
C/I: Hypersens., women and child.
Potentially pregn. women should not
handle crushed or broken tabs.