All the Active Ingredient Drugs
5-α Reductase Inhibitor. Dutasteride 0.5 mg. SOFT CAPS.: 30. 1 cap.×1/d.
Tmt. of moder. - severe sympt. of BPH. To reduce the risk of acute urin. retent. and surgery in pts. with moder.-severe sympt. of BPH.
C/I: Hypersens. to the active ingred./other 5-α-reductase inhib., soya, peanuts. Severe liver dis. Use in women, child. or adolesc.
5-α Reductase Inhibitor, α1 Blocker. Dutasteride 0.5 mg, Tamsulosin HCl 0.4 mg. 5-a Reductase Inhibitor/Alpha 1 Blocker. Dutasteride 0.5 mg, tamsulosin 0.4 mg.
CAPS: 30. 1 cap. dly. See lit.
Tmt. mod. to severe symp. BPH. Reduc. risk of acute urin. reten. (AUR) and surgery in pts. with mod. to severe sympt. of BPH.
C/I: Hyperses., women, child., adolesn., pts. with a hist. of orthost. hypotension, pts. with severe hepat. impair.
5-α Reductase Inhibitor. Dutasteride 0.5 mg. SOFT CAPS: 30. 1 cap. 1 dly.
Mod. to severe sympts. BPH, prevent.
acute urin. retent. and surg. in pts. with
C/I: Women and child., known
hypersens., other 5-alpha reductase
inhibitors or any compon. of prep.
5-α Reductase Inhibitor, α1 Blocker. Dutasteride 0.5 mg, Tamsulosin HCl 0.4 mg. CAPS: 30. 1 cap orally 30 mins. aft. same
meal each day.
Tmt. mod.-severe sympts. BPH. Reduct.
risk acute urin. retent. (AUR), surg. in pts.
with mod.-severe sympts. BPH.
5-α Reductase Inhibitor. Dutasteride 0.5 mg. SOFT CAPS.: 30. 1 tab. (0.5 mg) ×1/d.
Tmt. of moder. – sev. sympt. of BPH. Reduct. in the risk of acute urin. retent. (AUR) and surg. in pts. with moder. & severe sympt. of BPH.
C/I: Women & child. Pts. with known hypersens. to dutasteride, other 5- α reductase inhib. Pts. with sev. hep. impair.
5-α Reductase Inhibitor. Dutasteride 0.5 mg. SOFT CAPS.: 10, 30×0.5mg. 1 cap. (0.5 mg) once a day.
Tmt. of moder. –sev. sympt. of BPH.
Reduct. in the risk of acute urinary retent.(AUR) and surg. in pts. with moder.- sev. sympt. of BPH.
C/I: other 5-alpha-reductase inhib.or to any of drug's excip.
Pts. with severe hepat. dis.
Female pts., child. or adolesc.