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  • Atomoxetine
    1 Drug classified under this active ingredient

    All the Active Ingredient Drugs

    Atomic 18, 25, 40, 60, 80, 100
    partial basket chart
    Atomic 18, 25, 40, 60, 80, 100

    Selective Norepinephrine Reuptake Inhibitor. Atomoxetine (as HCl) 18, 25, 40, 60, 80, 100 mg.
    F.C. Tabs: 28 X 18, 25, 40, 60, 100 mg. Paed. pts. up to 70 kg bdy. wt.: Initial. at a tot. dly dose of approx. 0.5 mg/kg. Ini dose should be mainten. for a min. of 7 d. prior to upward dose titrat. accord. to clinical response and tolerab. The recommen. mainten. dose is approx. 1.2 mg/kg/d. (depend. on the pt’s. wt. and available dosage strengths of atomoxetine).Paed. pts. over 70 kg bdy. wt. and adult.: Ini. at a tot. dly. dose of 40 mg. Ini. dose should be maintain. for a min. of 7 d. prior to upward dose titrat. accord. to clinical response and tolerab. Recomm. mainten. dose is 80 mg. max. recom. total dly. dose is 100 mg.
    Indic. for the tmt. of ADHD in child. of 6 yrs. and older, in adolesc. & in adult. as part of a comprehensive tmt. programme. Tmt.  must be initi. by a special. in the tmt. of ADHD, such as a paediatrician, child/adolesc. psychiatrist, or psychiatrist. Diagnos. should be made accord. to current DSM criteria or the guidelines in ICD. In adult., the presence of sympt. of ADHD that were pre-exist. in childhood should be confirmed. Third-party corroboration is desirable and the drug should not be initi. when the verifi. of childhood ADHD sympt. is uncertain. Diagnos. cannot be made solely on the presence of one or more sympt. of ADHD. Based on clinic. Judgm., pts. should have ADHD of at least moder. severity as indica. by at least mod. function. impair. in 2 or more settings (for example, social, academic, and/or occupational funct.), affect. several aspects of an individual’s life.
    C/I: Hypersens. Comb. with MAOI. should not be used within a min. of 14 d. after discont. ther. with MAOI. Tmt. with MAOI should not be init. within 14 d. after discont. atomoxetine.
    Pts. with narrow-ang. glauc.
    Pts. with pheochromocytom.
    Pts. with severe card./vascular disord., hypertens., tachycard.