All the Active Ingredient Drugs
Drug for musculo-skeletal system. Ataluren 125, 250, 1000 mg. SACHET: 30×125,250,1000 mg. Admin. oral. every day in 3 doses. The 1ST dose should be taken in the morn., the 2ND at midday, and the 3RD in the eve. Recommend. dosing intervals are 6 hrs. betwn. morn. and midday doses, 6 hours betwn. midday and eve. doses, and 12 hrs. betwn. the eve. dose and the first dose on the next day.
The recomm. dose is 10 mg/kg bdy. wt. in the morn. 10 mg/kg bdy. wt. at midday, and 20 mg/kg bdy. wt. in the eve. (for a total dly. dose of 40 mg/kg bdy. wt.). See Lit.
Tmt. of Duchenne muscul. dystrophy result. from a nonsense mutation in the dystrophin gene, in ambulatory pts. aged 2 yrs. & older. Efficacy has not been demonstrated in non-ambulat. pts.
The presence of a nonsense mutation in the dystrophin gene should be determined by genetic testing.
C/I: Hypersens. Concom. use of IV aminoglycosides.