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  • Aflibercept
    1 Drug classified under this active ingredient

    All the Active Ingredient Drugs

    partial basket chart

    Ocular Antineovascularisation Agent. Aflibercept 40 mg/ml.
    VIAL (Sol. for Intravitreal inj.): 40 mg/ml.
    Wet AMD: Initiat. tmt. 1 inj. per month
    for 3 consec. doses, follow.by 1 inj.
    every 2 mths. After the 1st 12 mths. of
    tmt. may exten. tmt. interv. based on
    vis. and anatom. outcomes. Monitor.
    Sched. should be determin. by physic.
    Macu. Oedem. due to CRVO: Initiat.
    tmt. 1 inj. per month, follow. by 1 inj.
    monthly. Diabetic Macular Oedema:
    Initiat. tmt. 1 inj. per month for 5
    consec. doses, follow. by 1 inj. every 2
    mths. After the 1st 12 mths. of tmt. may
    exten. tmt. interv. based on vis. and
    anatom. outcomes.
    Tmt. of neovasc. (wet) AMD. Tmt. of visual
    impair. due to macular edem. second. to
    branch RVO or central RVO. Tmt. of visual
    impair. due to DME in adult.
    C/I: Hypersens.; Act. or suspect. ocular or
    perioc. infec.; Act. severe intraoc. inflam.