All the Active Ingredient Drugs
Purine Nucleoside. Adenosine 3 mg / ml. Vials. Sol. for IV inject. 6X 2 ml
Initial dose: 3 mg g as a rapid IV bolus (over 2 seconds).
Second dose: If the first dose does not result in elimin. of the supraventric. tachycard. within 1 – 2 min., 6 mg should be given also as a rapid IV bolus.
Third dose: If the second dose does not result in elimin. of the supraventric. tachycard. within 1 – 2 minutes. 12 mg should be given also as a rapid IV bolus. See full Prescr. details.
Rapid convers. to normal sinus rhythm of paroxymal supraventric. tachycard. incl. those assoc. with accessory bypass tracts (wolf parkinson-white syndr.).
C/I: Hypersens./Sick sinus syndr./second- or third-degree Atrio-Ventric. (AV) block (except in patients with a funct. pacemaker)/Chron. obstruct. lung dis. with evid. of bronchospasm (e.g. asthma bronchiale)/ Long QT syndr./Sev. hypotens./Decompen. states of HF.
Purine Nucleoside. Adenosine 6 mg / 2 ml. VIALS: 6 x 6 mg/2 ml. 1st dose: 3mg given as a rapid IV bolus (over 2 seconds).
2nd dose: If 1st dose does not result in
elimination of the SVT within 1 to 2
min., 6mg should be given also as a
rapid IV bolus, followed by a rapid
saline flush.
3rd dose: If the 2nd dose does not result
in elimination of the SVT within 1 to 2
min. 12mg should be given as a rapid
IV bolus. Higher doses are not recom.
Paroxy. supraventric. tachycard. incl.
Wolf Parkinson-White syndr.
C/I: 2n or 3rd AV block (except in pts.
with funct. artific. pacemaker), sick sinus
syndr. (except in pts. with funct. artific.
pacemaker), asthma. see lit