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  • Abatacept
    1 Drug classified under this active ingredient

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    Selective Immunosuppressants. Abatacept 125 mg/ml, 250 mg.
    PRE-FILLED SYRINGE: 4 Syr (single dose)
    125 mg SC inj. once wkly. W or w/o an
    IV load. dose. Pts. transit. from IV ther.
    to SC administ. 1st SC dose instead of
    the next scheduled IV dose.
    Reduct. signs and symp., inducing
    major clinic. response, inhib. the
    progress. of struct. damage, and
    improve. phys. func. in adult pts. with
    moderat. to severe. act. RA.
    Used as monother.or concom. DMARDs
    other than TNF antagonists.
    VIAL (pwdr for conc. for infus.): 1x250mg. See lit.
    As monotherapy for tmt. mod.-severe
    active rheum. arthrit. in adults with
    DMARDs other than TNF antagonists . A
    reduct. in progress. joint damage and
    improv. phys. funct. have been
    demonstrat. In combinat. tmt. with abatacept and methotrexate. In
    combinat.with methotrexate for tmt.
    mod.-severe active polyarticul. juvenile
    idiopathic arthrit. (JIA) in ped. pts 6 yrs of
    age and older, with insuffic. response to
    other DMARDs incl. at least one TNF
    inhibitor. Has not been studied in child. <
    6 yrs.
    C/I: Should not be administered
    concomitantly with TNF antagonists. Is
    not recommended for use
    concomitantly with other biologic
    rheumatoid arthritis (RA) therapy.