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  • A/Michigan/45/2015 (H1N1)pdm09 - like strain
    4 Drugs classified under this active ingredient

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    Fluarix Tetra
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    Multiple ingredients
    Fluarix Tetra

    Influenza Vaccine. A/Hong Kong/4801/2014 (H3N2) - like strain 15 mcg / 0.5 ml, A/Michigan/45/2015 (H1N1)pdm09 - like strain 15 mcg / 0.5 ml, B/Brisbane/60/2008 - like strain 15 mcg / 0.5 ml, B/Phuket/3073/2013 - like strain 15 mcg / 0.5 ml.
    PRE-FILL. SYR.: 1, 10×0.5ml. Child. from 36 mnths. onwards: 0.5 ml.
    For child. aged < 9 yrs., who have not
    previous. been vaccine. against
    influenza, a 2ND dose should be given
    after an interv. of at least 4 wks.
    Child. < than 3 yrs. : the safety and
    efficacy of this vaccine in child. less
    than 3 yrs. have not been established.
    See lit.
    Active immunis. of adults & child. from 3
    yrs. of age for the prevent. of influenza
    dis. caused by the two influenza A virus
    subtypes and the two influenza B virus
    types contain. in the vaccine.
    C/I: Hypersens. to the active substan. or
    to any compon. that may be present as
    traces such as eggs (ovalbumin, chicken
    protein. ), formaldehyde, gentamicin
    sulphate and sodium deoxycholate.
    Immunis. should be postponed in pts.
    with febrile illness or acute infec.

    Flumist Quadrivalent
    Astra Zeneca
    not in the basket chart
    Multiple ingredients
    Flumist Quadrivalent

    A/Michigan/45/2015 (H1N1)pdm09 - like strain 10^6.5-7.5 FFU / 0.2 ml, A/Singapore/INFIMH-16-0019/2016 (H3N2) - like strain 10^6.5-7.5 FFU / 0.2 ml, B/Phuket/3073/2013 - like strain 10^6.5-7.5 FFU / 0.2 ml, B/Colorado/06/2017 - like strain 10^6.5-7.5 FFU / 0.2 ml.
    Child: 2-8 yrs not prev. vaccinat: 2
    doses (0.2 ml ea., at least 1 mth apart,
    0.1 ml/nostril); prev. vaccinat: 1 dose
    (0.2 ml). Ages 9-49 yrs: 1 dose (0.2 ml).
    Immunizat. 2-49 yrs old against
    influenza dis. caused by influenza virus
    subtypes A and B.
    C/I: Hypersens., espec. anaphylac. reacts.
    to eggs, egg proteins, gentamicin,
    gelatin, arginine, life-threatening
    reactions to prev. influenza vaccinats.
    Child and adolescents (2-17 yrs) receiv.
    aspirin ther./aspirin-contain. ther.,
    because of associat. of Reye’s syndr. with
    aspirin and wild-type infect.

    Vaxigrip Tetra
    not in the basket chart
    Multiple ingredients
    Vaxigrip Tetra

    Influenza Vaccine. A/Michigan/45/2015 (H1N1)pdm09 - like strain 15 mcg / 0.5 ml, B/Phuket/3073/2013 - like strain 15 mcg / 0.5 ml, B/Colorado/06/2017 - like strain 15 mcg / 0.5 ml, A/Singapore/INFIMH-16-0019/2016 (H3N2) - like strain 15 mcg / 0.5 ml.
    PRE-FILL. SYR.( suspens. for inj.): 1×0.5ml.
    Adults: one dose of 0.5 ml.
    Paed. popul.: Child. from 6 mnths.-17 yrs. of age: one dose of 0.5 ml.
    For child. less than 9 yrs. of age who have not prev. been vaccine., a 2nd dose of 0.5 ml should be given after an interv. of at least 4 wks.
    Child. less than 6 mnths. of age: the safety and efficacy of this vaccine have not been established. No data are available.
    Indicated for active immunis. of adult. & child. from 6 mnths. of age and older for the prevent. of influenza dis. caused by the two influenza A virus subtypes and the two influenza B virus types contain. in the vaccine.
    The use of this formulation should be based on official recommendat.
    C/I: Hypersens. to the active substances, or to any component that may be present as traces such as eggs (ovalbumin, chicken proteins), neomycin, formaldehyde and octoxinol-9. Vaccination should be postponed in case of moder.- sev. febrile dis. or acute dis.