All the Drug Class Drugs
β1 Blocker. Bisoprolol Fumarate 2.5, 5, 10 mg. F.C. TABS.: 7, 10, 14, 20, 28, 30, 56, 60, 90,
500. Depend. on the dis. and the pt. cond.,
2.5 mg -10 mg×1/d. Max. recom. dose 20 mg×1/d.
2.5 mg tabs: Stable, chron., moder.- severe
HF. 5 mg , 10 mg tabs: Hypertens, CHD
(ang. pect.).
C/I: 2nd, 3rd degree AV block. Sinus
bradyc. Sick sinus syndr. Severe periph.
arter. dis. Printzmetal’s angina,
uncompens. card. fail. (except
carvedilol), cardiog. shock, hypotens.,
right second. to pulmon.
hyperten., significant cardiomeg.
Untreat. phaeochromocytoma, metab.
acidosis. Non-cardiosel. β-block.
(nadolol, oxprenolol, penbutolol,
pindolol, propranolol, timolol) are also
generally pts. with obstruct.
airways dis. or a history of
β1 Blocker. Bisoprolol Fumarate 1.25, 2.5, 5, 10 mg. TABS: 30x1.25,2.5 mg. Initial (with uptitrat.): 1.25 mg 1 x dly for 1 wk. If well tolerat. incr. to 2.5 mg 1 x dly for another wk. If well tolerat. incr. to 5 mg 1 x dly the foll. 4 wks. If well tolerat. incr. to 7.5 mg 1 x dly the foll. 4 wks. If well tolerat. incr.
to 10 mg 1 dly for maint. ther.
Stable chron. heart fail.
TABS: 30x5,10 mg. 5-10 mg dly.
Hypertens., ang. pect.
C/I: Hypersens., pregn., lact.
β1 Blocker. Bisoprolol Fumarate 1.25 mg, 2.5 mg , 5 mg, 10 mg. FC tabs, 30X1.25/2.5/5/10 mg. Dosage for Chron. Heart Fail.:start uptitr.:
- 1.25 mg 1/d for 1 week, if well tol. incr. to
- 2.5 mg 1/d for a further week, if well tol. incr. to
- 3.75 mg 1/d for a further week, if well tol. incr. to
- 5 mg 1/d for 4 foll. weeks, if well tol. incr. to
- 7.5 mg 1/d for 4 foll. weeks, if well tol. incr. to
- 10 mg 1/d for maint. ther. (max recomm. dose.)
Dosage for Hypertension: 2.5-10 mg 1/d, see lit.
Dosage for Coronary heart dis. (angina pect.):5-10 mg 1/d
max. recomm. dose: 20 mg/d
Treat. of stable chr., moder. to sev. heart fail.
with impaired systol. ventric. function
(EF < 35 %, by echocardiography) in addit.
to ACE inhibit. and diuret., and option. cardiac glycosides.
For 5mg and 10 mg doses:
Coronary heart disease (angina pectoris)
C/I: ac. HF or during episodes of decompens. req. i.v. inotropic ther./ cardiogenic shock /second or third degree AV block /sick sinus syndr./ sinoatrial block/ sympt. bradyc./ sympt. hypotens. / sev. bronchial asthma / sev. forms of peripheral arterial occlusive dis. or sev. forms of Raynaud's syndr./
untreat. phaeochromocytoma (see prescr. inform.) / metabolic acidosis/ hypersens.