All the Active Ingredient Drugs
Anticoagulant. Fondaparinux (sodium) 2.5 mg/0.5 ml, 0.75 mg/ 0.6 ml. PRE-FILLED SYR. (sol., for inject.): 10 x
0.5 ml x 2.5 mg, 10 x
0.6 ml x 0.75 mg. See lit.
Prevent. VTE in pts. undergoing major
orthoped. surg. lower limbs. Prevent. VTE in
pts. undergoing abdom. surg. who are at high risk thromboembol. complicats.
Prevent. VTE in medical pts. at high risk for
VTE and immobilised due to acute illness
such as card. insuffic. and/or acute respirat.
disords, and/or acute infects. or inflamm.
dis. Tmt. unstable angina or non-ST segm.
elevat. myocard. infarct. (UA/NSTEMI) in
pts. where urgent invas. manage. (PCI) not
indicat. Tmt. ST segm. elevat. myocard.
infarct. (STEMI) in pts managed with
thrombolytics or who are not to receive
other form reperfus. ther.
C/I: Hypersens., active clin. bleed., acute
bact. cardit., severe ren. fail. (creatinine
clear. <20 ml/min).